Party Unity Scores

(31 May 2015)


This site is an archived version of archived from University of Georgia on May 23, 2017. This point-in-time capture includes all files publicly linked on at that time. We provide access to this content as a service to ensure that past users of have access to historical files. This content will remain online until at least January 1st, 2018. UCLA provides no warranty or guarantee of access to these files.

Party Unity Scores for Democrat and Republican Members of Congresses 35 - 113 (1857 - 2014)

The files below contain the party unity scores by Congress for every Democrat and Republican voting on at least 10 party unity votes in the Congress. A party unity vote is defined as one where at least 50 percent of Democrats vote against at least 50 percent of Republicans. Note the Presidents can appear in these files because of CQ Presidential Support roll calls for Presidents Eisenhower through Barack Obama. Earlier Presidents are included because of Presidential Request roll calls. These roll calls were compiled by an NSF project headed by Elaine Swift ( Study No. 3371, Database of Congressional Historical Statistics, 1789-1989). Many of these scores are based upon a small number of roll calls so use them with caution!).

The format of the files is:

 1.  Congress Number
 2.  ICPSR ID Number:  5 digit code assigned by the ICPSR as 
                       corrected by Howard Rosenthal and myself.
 3.  State Code:  2 digit ICPSR State Code.
 4.  Congressional District Number (0 if Senate)
 5.  State Name
 6.  Party Code:  100 = Dem., 200 = Repub. (See PARTY3.DAT)
 7.  Name
 8.  Party Unity Score
 9.  Number of Party Support Votes Member Voted with Party
10.  Total Number of Party Support Votes Member Voted on
If you have questions, send email to

Party Unity Scores 35th to 113th Houses (Text File, 31,343 lines)
Party Unity Scores 35th to 113th Houses (Excel File, 31,343 lines)
Party Unity Scores 35th to 113th Senates (Text File, 7,491 lines)
Party Unity Scores 35th to 113th Senates (Excel File, 7,491 lines)

Party Unity Scores for All Two-Party Systems Congresses 1 - 17, 19 - 30, and 35 - 113 (1789 - 2012)

The files below are the same as those posted above only now the Jeffersonian-Republican/Federalist (Congresses 1 - 17, 1789 - 1822) and the Democrat/Whig (Congresses 19 - 30, 1825 - 1848) systems are also included in the files. For Congresses 1 - 3 party code 4000 (Anti-Administration) was treated as Jeffersonian-Republican and party code 5000 (Pro-Administration) was treated as Federalist. For Congresses 19 and 20 party code 555 (Jackson) was treated as Democrat and party code 22 (Adams) was treated as Whig. For Congresses 21 - 24 party code 1275 (Anti-Jackson) was treated as Whig (party code 555 also used for Democrat during this period).
Party Unity Scores 1st to 113th Houses (Text File, 36,551 lines)
Party Unity Scores 1st to 113th Houses (Excel File, 36,551 lines)
Party Unity Scores 1st to 113th Senates (Text File, 8,829 lines)
Party Unity Scores 1st to 113th Senates (Excel File, 8,829 lines)

Party Unity Scores by Chamber for All Two-Party Systems

Below is a file containing the Party unity scores for the House and Senate. A Party Unity vote is one that pits a majority of one Party against a majority of the opposite Party.

The format of the file is:

 1.  Congress Number
 2.  First Year of the Congress
 3.  Number of Roll Call Votes in the House
 4.  Number of Party Unity Roll Calls (at least 50% of one Party vs. 50% of the opposite Party)
 5.  Percentage of Party Unity Votes
 6.  Proportion of Federalists/Whigs/Republicans voting with the majority of their Party
 7.  Proportion of Jeffersonian-Republicans/Democrats voting with the majority of their Party
 8.  Number of Roll Call Votes in the Senate
 9.  Number of Party Unity Roll Calls
10.  Percentage of Party Unity Votes
11.  Proportion of Federalists/Whigs/Republicans voting with the majority of their Party
12.  Proportion of Jeffersonian-Republicans/Democrats voting with the majority of their Party
Political Party Unity Scores 1st to 113th Houses and Senates (Text)
Political Party Unity Scores 1st to 113th Houses and Senates (Excel)

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NOMINATE Data, Roll Call Data, and Software
Course Web Pages: University of Georgia (2010 - )
Course Web Pages: UC San Diego (2004 - 2010)
University of San Diego Law School (2005)
Course Web Pages: University of Houston (2000 - 2005)
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