Data - Congressional Parties


September 20, 2021

Congressional Party Data

The Congressional Party data export contains biographical information and ideological mean and median scores for congressional parties in the selected chamber(s) and congress(es).

Quick Link (all congresses, all chambers, CSV format):

Biographical Fields:

  • congress: Integer 1+. The number of the congress that this member's row refers to. e.g. 115 for the 115th Congress (2017-2019)
  • chamber: House, Senate, or President. The chamber in which the member served.
  • party_code: Integer 1-9999. Identifying code for the member's party. See below for a list mapping party codes to parties.
  • party_name: String. The name of the party.
  • n_members: Integer 1+. Number of party members in this chamber in this congress.

Party Codes

Party Code Party Name
100 Democratic Party
200 Republican Party
Party Code Party Name
1 Federalist Party
13 Democratic-Republican Party
22 Adams Party
26 Anti Masonic Party
29 Whig Party
37 Constitutional Unionist Party
44 Nullifier Party
46 States Rights Party
108 Anti-Lecompton Democrats
112 Conservative Party
114 Readjuster Party
117 Readjuster Democrats
203 Unconditional Unionist Party
206 Unionist Party
208 Liberal Republican Party
213 Progressive Republican Party
300 Free Soil Party
310 American Party
326 National Greenbacker Party
340 Populist PARTY
347 Prohibitionist Party
354 Silver Republican Party
355 Union Labor Party
356 Union Labor Party
370 Progressive Party
380 Socialist Party
402 Liberal Party
403 Law and Order Party
522 American Labor Party
523 American Labor Party (La Guardia)
537 Farmer-Labor Party
555 Jackson Party
1060 Silver Party
1111 Liberty Party
1116 Conservative Republicans
1275 Anti-Jacksonians
1346 Jackson Republican
3333 Opposition Party
3334 Opposition Party (36th)
4000 Anti-Administration Party
4444 Constitutional Unionist Party
5000 Pro-Administration Party
6000 Crawford Federalist Party
7000 Jackson Federalist Party
7777 Crawford Republican Party
8000 Adams-Clay Federalist Party
8888 Adams-Clay Republican Party
Party Code Party Name
328 Independent
329 Independent Democrat
331 Independent Republican
603 Independent Whig

Ideological Fields:

  • dim1_median: Median of the NOMINATE first dimension estimates among members of party_code in this chamber during congress.
  • dim2_median: Median of the NOMINATE second dimension estimates among members of party_code in this chamber during congress.
  • dim1_median: Mean of the NOMINATE first dimension estimates among members of party_code in this chamber during congress.
  • dim2_median: Mean of the NOMINATE second dimension estimates among members of party_code in this chamber during congress.


To cite this data, please use the following citation:

Lewis, Jeffrey B., Keith Poole, Howard Rosenthal, Adam Boche, Aaron Rudkin, and Luke Sonnet (2021). Voteview: Congressional Roll-Call Votes Database.