Realtime NOMINATE Ideology and Related Data

This section contains download links for NOMINATE scores and other data that we make available to the public, in addition to tutorial articles explaining how to generate popular ancillary data from our data exports. Please continue by choosing the data you wish to download.

Data is updated live, as new votes are taken. If you are an institutional user of our data and wish to be notified before major or breaking changes are made to the data, please see the About page.

Please cite the dataset as:
Lewis, Jeffrey B., Keith Poole, Howard Rosenthal, Adam Boche, Aaron Rudkin, and Luke Sonnet (2025). Voteview: Congressional Roll-Call Votes Database.
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Ancillary Data and Analyses

We are pleased to present a collection of articles discussing data and analyses that make use of NOMINATE /, along with the source code used to produce the analyses. We hope these will be of use to scholars, journalists, and students interested in producing analysis using our data:

Attendance of Senators and House Members Running for President: Track the rate of participation in roll call votes of Members of Congress who are running for President in 2020

Clausen, Peltzman, and Issue codes for 1st to 113th Congresses: This short article provides descriptions for the numeric Clausen, Peltzman, and Issue codes supplied with our data.

Joe Biden’s Party Loyalty in the Senate: This article calculates Joe Biden's career rate of party loyalty in the Senate and compares that rate to the party loyalty rates of all other Democratic senators with whom he served.

Polarization in Congress: Provides updated versions the classic Voteview plots of party mean DW-NOMINATE scores of overtime. Figures and the underlying data are available for download.

Presidential Support Scores: Presents member- and chamber-level presidential support score data. Shows how scores are calculated. Provides download links, summary plots, and a comparison to previously published scores.

Senate support for presidential executive branch nominees since 1989: Putting Democratic senators support from Trump appointees in recent historical context.

Why are Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Talib estimated to be moderates by NOMINATE?: This article explains why four clearly progressive first-term Congresswomen are estimated to be moderates by NOMINATE as of July 2019

Complete database (approx. 500MB zipped): We expect that most journalists, academics, and interested users should use the main data downloads listed above. However, for users interested in building a website based on data, we make available a complete dump of our MongoDB database. This release is updated weekly and is provided without warranty.

Browse prior database releases: We retain archival copies of our complete database release. We recommend users only use the most current version of our data. These archival releases may be missing new rollcall or member data, and may also be missing corrections made to existing data.