Data - Members' Votes


September 20, 2021

Members' Votes

This data contains basic information about how each member in the selected chamber(s) and congress(es) voted on each vote.

Quick Link (all congresses, all chambers, CSV format):


  • congress: Integer 1+. The number of the congress that this member's row refers to. e.g. 115 for the 115th Congress (2017-2019)
  • chamber: House, Senate, or President. The chamber in which the member served.
  • rollnumber: Integer 1+. Starts from 1 in the first rollcall of each congress. Excludes quorum calls and vacated votes.
  • icpsr: Integer 1-99999. This is an ID code which identifies the member in question. In general, each member receives a single ICPSR identifier applicable to their entire career. A small number of members have received more than one: this can occur for members who have switched parties; as well as members who subsequently become president. Creating a new identifier allows a new NOMINATE estimate to be produced for separate appearances of a member in different roles.
  • cast_code: Integer 0-9. Indicator of how the member voted.
  • prob: Estimated probability, based on NOMINATE, of the member making the vote as recorded.

Cast Codes

cast_code Description
0 Not a member of the chamber when this vote was taken
1 Yea
2 Paired Yea
3 Announced Yea
4 Announced Nay
5 Paired Nay
6 Nay
7 Present (some Congresses)
8 Present (some Congresses)
9 Not Voting (Abstention)


To cite this data, please use the following citation:

Lewis, Jeffrey B., Keith Poole, Howard Rosenthal, Adam Boche, Aaron Rudkin, and Luke Sonnet (2021). Voteview: Congressional Roll-Call Votes Database.