VALADAO, David G. (1977-)

Republican of California

22nd congressional district

Serving in House 2013-2019 , 2021-Present

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Representative from California; born in Hanford, Kings County, Calif., April 14, 1977; graduated from Hanford High School, Hanford, Calif., 1995; attended College of the Sequoias, Visalia, Calif., 1996-1998; farmer; business owner; member of the California state assembly, 2010-2012; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Thirteenth and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2013-January 3, 2019); was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the One Hundred Sixteenth Congress in 2018; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Seventeenth and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2021-present).
Courtesy of Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

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