ROUZER, David (1972-)

Republican of North Carolina

7th congressional district

Serving in House 2015-Present

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Representative from North Carolina; born in Landstuhl Army Medical Center, Landstuhl, Germany, February 16, 1972; graduated from Northern High School, Durham, N.C., 1990; B.S., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., 1994; businessman; associate administrator and rural administrator, United States Department of Agriculture, 2005-2006; staff, United States Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, 1996-2000; staff, United States Senator Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina, 2003-2005; member of the North Carolina state senate, 2009-2012; unsuccessful candidate for election to the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress in 2012; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fourteenth and to the five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2015-present).
Courtesy of Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

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