CARTER, Troy (1963-)

Democrat of Louisiana

2nd congressional district

Serving in House 2021-Present

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Representative from Louisiana; born in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, La., October 26, 1963; graduated from O. Walker Perry High School, New Orleans, La., 1982; B.A., Xavier University, New Orleans, La., 1986; attended Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.; entrepreneur; business consultant; member of the Louisiana state house of representatives, 1992-1994; member of the New Orleans, La., city council, 1994-2002; unsuccessful candidate for nomination for Mayor of New Orleans, La., in 2002; unsuccessful candidate for nomination to the One Hundred Tenth Congress in 2006; unsuccessful candidate for nomination to the One Hundred Eleventh Congress in 2008; member of the Louisiana state senate, 2016-2021; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of United States Representative Cedric Richmond, and reelected to the two succeeding Congresses (April 24, 2021-present).
Courtesy of Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

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