THOMPSON, Bennie (1948-)

Democrat of Mississippi

2nd congressional district

Serving in House 1993-Present

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A Representative from Mississippi; born in Bolton, Hinds County, Miss., January 28, 1948; B.A., Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss., 1968; M.S., Jackson State University, Jackson, Miss., 1972; teacher; member of the Bolton, Miss., board of aldermen, 1969-1973; Mayor of Bolton, Miss., 1973-1979; member of the Hinds County, Miss., board of supervisors, 1980-1993; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Third Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of United States Representative Alphonso Michael (Mike) Espy, and reelected to the sixteen succeeding Congresses (April 13, 1993-present); chair, Committee on Homeland Security (One Hundred Tenth, One Hundred Eleventh, One Hundred Sixteenth, and One Hundred Seventeenth Congresses); chair, Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (One Hundred Seventeenth Congress).
Courtesy of Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

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