93rd Congress > House > Vote 188

Date: 1973-06-22

Result: 364-6

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: HR8510


Bill summary: (LATEST SUMMARY) National Science Foundation Authorization Act - Authorizes appropriations for the National Science Foundation for fiscal year 1974 and specifies allotments for various programs. Provides that any amounts which were authorized and appropriated to the National Science Foundation for fiscal year 1973 or any prior fiscal year, but which remained unobligated as of the close of fiscal year 1973, shall be merged with and added to the amounts authorized by this Act. Provides that (...show more) appropriations may be used, but not to exceed $5,000, for official consultation, representation or other extraordinary expenses upon the approval or authority of the Director of the National Science Foundation. Prohibits the transfer of funds between categories as allocated by this Act, except in enumerated instances, if the total of the funds so transferred would exceed 10 percent. States that if an institution of higher education determines that an individual has been convicted of any crime which was (1) committed after the date of enactment of this Act; (2) which involved the use of force, and (3) that such crime was of a serious nature then the institution which such individual attends or is employed by shall deny for two years any further payment to such individual under specified programs. Directs the Director of the National Science Foundation to keep the Committee on Science and Astronautics of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare of the Senate fully informed with respect to all the activities of the National Science Foundation.

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Bill titles: A bill to authorize appropriations for activities of the National Science Foundation, and for other purposes.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 119-98, p. H5186;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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