93rd Congress > House > Vote 673

Date: 1974-05-01

Result: 349-43

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Regulation General Interest

Bill number: HR14368


Bill summary: (LATEST SUMMARY) Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act - States that the purpose of this Act is to assist in meeting the essential needs of the United States for fuels, in a manner which is consistent, to the fullest extent practicable, with existing national commitments to protect and improve the environment. Provides that the Federal Energy Administrator: (1) shall prohibit any power plant, and; (2) may prohibit any major fuel burning installation, other than a power plant, (...show more) from burning natural gas or petroleum products as its primary energy source if the Administrator determines that such facility has the capability and necessary plant equipment to burn coal. Authorizes the Administrator to allocate coal to any person to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act. Provides that any allocation provided for in this Act or in the Emergency Petroleum Act of 1973 shall include measures to assure that available low sulfur fuel will be distributed on a priority basis to those areas designated by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency as requiring low sulfur to avoid or minimize adverse impact on public health. Directs the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to conduct a study to determine the health effects of emissions of sulfur oxides on the air resulting from conversions to burning coal. Authorizes the appropriation of $3,500,000 for such study. Requires the Administrator to conduct a study on potential methods of energy conservation and to submit to Congress a report on the results of such study. Requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit to the Congress for appropriate action an "Emergency Mass Transportation Plan" for the purpose of conserving energy by expanding and improving public mass transportation systems and encouraging increased ridership as alternatives to automobile travel. Requires the Administrator and the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a joint study concerning the practicability of establishing a fuel economy improvement standard of 20 percent for new motor vehicles manufactured during and after model year 1980. Requires the Administrator to request, acquire, and collect such energy information as he determines to be necessary to assist in the formulation of energy policy or to carry out the purpose of this Act or the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973. Sets forth penalties for the violation of this Act. Authorizes appropriations for carrying out various provisions of the Clean Air Act. Defines the terms used in this Act. Empowers the Federal Energy Administrator, under the Clean Air Act, to temporarily suspend, until June 30, 1975, any stationery source fuel or emission limitation as it applies to any person, if he finds that such person will be unable to comply with such limitation because of unavailability of types or amounts of fuels. Prescribes the procedures for the making of such suspensions and defines the terms used. States that the Administrator may establish priorities under which manufactuers of continuous emission reduction systems shall provide such systems to users. Requires the Administrator to report to Congress within six months on the results of the programs promulgated under this Act. Provides that for any air quality control region in which the Administrator determines the applicable primary air quality standard is being exceeded, the Administrator shall review the applicable implementation plan and no later than 90 days after such determination report to the State on whether such plan can be revised in relation to fuel burning stationary sources without interfering with applicable national primary ambient air quality standards which the plan implements. Extends the period for application of motor vehicle emission standards from 1975 to 1977. Makes technical and conforming amendments to the Clean Air Act. Prohibits the requirement of any parking surcharge as part of a State implementation plan under the Clean Air Act.

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Bill titles: An Act to provide for means of dealing with energy shortages by requiring reports with respect to energy resources, by providing for temporary suspension of certain air pollution requirements, by providing for coal conversion, and for other purposes.; A bill to provide for means of dealing with energy shortages by requiring reports with respect to energy resources, by providing for temporary suspension of certain air pollution requirements, by providing for coal conversion.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 120-60, p. H3462;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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