93rd Congress > House > Vote 1076

Date: 1974-12-20

Result: 244-43

Vote Subject Matter: Social Welfare / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: HR14449


Bill summary: Community Services Act - Title I: Urban and Rural Community Action Programs - Provides for the designation of community action agencies, programs, and boards. Enumerates the specific powers and functions of community action agencies in planning and administering the community action programs. Directs each agency to encourage the establishment of housing development services organizations to focus on the needs of low-income families and individuals. Empowers the Director of the Community (...show more) Action Administration of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, to provide financial assistance to community action programs and related activities, including employment, education, living environment, and health. Prescribes the conditions of and procedures for such assistance. Directs the Director to carry on special programs relating to (1) legal services, (2) community food and nutrition; (3) environmental action; (4) rural housing development and rehabilitation; and (5) senior opportunities and services for poor persons over the age of 60. States that the Director shall encourage the development of neighborhood centers to promote the effectiveness of needed services. Prescribes an allotment of funds and sets limitations on assistance under this title. Calls for the Director to make grants: (1) for programs to provide technical design and planning assistance to groups and persons not otherwise able to afford such assistance; (2) for a youth recreation and sports program; and (3) for the development of consumer action and advocacy programs. Empowers the Director to provide assistance to State agencies and special aid to nonprofit agencies designed to serve groups of low-income individuals. Directs the Director to extend benefits to residents of rural areas, setting forth the steps he is to follow in so doing. Requires that before agreements may be made under this title, a plan must be approved by the State Governor and/or the Director. Sets forth special limitations which shall apply to programs under this title, including that no general financial aid shall be made for elementary or secondary education purposes. Authorizes the Director to make incentive grants of up to 50 percent of program costs. Title II: Special Program to Combat Poverty in Rural Areas - Authorizes the Director to make loans of up to $3,500 to low-income rural families to effect a permanent increase in the income of such families or improve living conditions of the elderly. Sets forth the loan terms and conditions. Provides for assistance to migrant and other seasonally employed farmworkers and their families. Title III: Employment and Investment Incentives - Empowers the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to make loans for the purpose of improving and establishing small businesses, especially those owned by low-income individuals. Provides for financial aid for projects directed toward technical assistance and management training. Title IV: Work Experience, Training, and Day Care Programs - Provides funding for carrying out this title. Sets limitations on the nature of work experience and training programs assisted with funds under this title, including that training shall be for a maximum of 36 months. Authorizes the Director to provide financial aid for 90 percent of the cost of day care projects for low-income persons. Provides for the coordination of such day care programs. Title V: Evaluation, Research, and Demonstration - States that the Director shall provide for a comprehensive evaluation of programs under this Act and related Acts. Calls for: (1) cooperation among Federal agencies; (2) consultation with program participants; and (3) publication of evaluation by other administering agencies. Authorizes the Director to provide financial assistance for demonstration and research projects designed for new methods of overcoming special problems or furthering the purposes of this Act. Title VI: Administration and Coordination - Establishes in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare a Community Action Administration, headed by a Director, to carry out this Act. Enumerates the powers and authorities of the Director. States that no funds under this Act shall be used to finance Federal election activities, voter registration, or salaries of persons in the Administration who engage in such activities. Directs the Director to establish procedures for appeals, notice, and hearings under this Act. Establishes a National Advisory Council on Community Service, composed of 21 persons appointed by the President. Enumerates the duties of such Council. Sets limitations under this Act with respect to: (1) benefits for those who are voluntarily poor; (2) unlawful activities; and (3) Federal administrative expenses. Enumerates additional responsibilities of the Director. States that the Director shall establish an information center to insure that maximum use is made of Federal programs relating to this Act. Title VII: Transfer of Programs - Headstart - Follow Through Act - Empowers the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, upon application by an eligible Project Headstart agency, to provide financial aid for programs for children of low-income families. Authorizes appropriations through fiscal year 1977 for such purposes. Prescribes the procedures governing the making of such assistance. Native American Program Extension Act - Empowers the Secretary to provide aid to agencies, including governing bodies of Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages and corporations, for projects to promote the economic and social self-sufficiency of American Indians and Alaskan natives. Authorizes appropriations for such purposes. Directs the Secretary to establish a Comprehensive Health Services program in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Specifies the subject areas to be covered by such program. Title VIII: Authorization of Appropriations - Authorizes appropriations for carrying out the provisions of this Act. Title IX: General Provisions - Defines the terms used in this Act and sets forth additional guidelines governing the Act's operations. Title X: Community Economic Development - Community Economic Development Act - Directs the Secretary of Commerce to provide financial assistance for developing and carrying out projects to make available management and technical assistance to minority business enterprises and to assist in developing community support for minority business. Provides for the establishment of special programs to assist private, locally initiated community corporations which are directed toward solution of critical community problems. Sets forth the requirements for such financial aid. Empowers the Secretary to provide financial aid of up to $3,500 to low-income, rural families. Establishes the Development Loan Fund, consisting of the Rural Development Loan Fund and the Community Development Loan Fund. Authorizes loans from such funds. Provides for the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of Commerce to aid in the administration of this Act. Authorizes appropriations for carrying out this Act.

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Bill titles: An Act to provide for the extension of Head-start, community action, community economic development, and other programs under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, to provide for increased involvement of State and local governments in antipoverty efforts, and for other purposes.; A bill to provide for the mobilization of community development and assistance services and to establish a Community Action Administration in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to administer such programs.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 120-180, p. H12621;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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