Key Vote 94th Congress > House > Vote 1169

Date: 1976-09-15

Result: 224-169

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Regulation General Interest

Sponsor: DINGELL, John David, Jr. (D-MI)

Bill number: HR10498


Bill summary: (Measure passed House, amended, roll call #734 (324-68)) Clean Air Act Amendments - Authorizes the appropriation of specified sums for fiscal years 1976 through 1979 for Federal enforcement procedures, vehicle and other equipment procurement, and other programs for air pollution control under the Clean Air Act. Requires annual disclosure by Environmental Protection Agency officials of financial interest held in any person subject to the provisions of this Act. =Title I: Amendments Relating ( more) Primarily to Stationary Sources= - Provides for the regulation of air pollution caused by vinyl chloride, cadmium, arsenic, and polycyclic organic matter found to be causes of or contributing to endangering public health. Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate a national primary ambient air quality standard for specified gas concentrations. Requires a study of the effect on the public health and welfare of sulfates, vinyl chloride, and other matter present in the ambient air. Stipulates the basis for administrative standards under the Clean Air Act. Defines terms under such Act. Defines "hazardous air pollutant" for purposes of such Act as meaning an air pollutant to which no ambient air quality standard is applicable and which in the judgment of the Admininstrator causes, or contributes to, air pollution which may reasonably be anticipated to result in an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness. Requires the Administrator to publish an economic impact statement for any nonhealth regulation issued by the EPA. Authorizes extensions of Federal compliance dates for State plans under the Clean Air Act. Sets forth criteria by which such extensions shall be granted. Authorizes the collection of excess emission fees under the Clean Air Act. Directs the Administrator, at the time a compliance date extension is granted or approved under such Act to any major stationary source of air pollution, to determine whether or not the circumstances which made such source eligible for such extension were primarily beyond the control of the owner or operator of such source. Provides for major stationary sources granted compliance date extensions under such Act to pay fees based on the amount of any air pollutant emitted by such sources in excess of the requirement with respect to which such extensions are granted if the circumstances which made such sources eligible for such extensions were not primarily beyond the control of the owners or operators of such sources. Provides for compliance date extensions for purposes of converting fuel burners to coal use through 1980. Provides under the Clean Air Act for measures designed to protect the stratrosphere, and the ozone in the stratosphere. Requires the Administrator to conduct a study of the cumulative effect of all substances and activities which may affect the stratosphere. Directs the Administrator to establish a Coordinating Committee for the coordination of the efforts of other Federal agencies carrying out research and studies related to research on stratospheric protection. Requires a report to the Congress on the work of such Committee. Sets restrictions on the maximum allowable concentration of any air pollutants. Requires designation of specified national wilderness and park lands as class I areas for purposes of setting allowable ambient air concentrations. Grants States authority with respect to the designation of areas for the purpose of preventing significant deterioration in air quality. Prevents the Administrator from making redesignations without the approval of the Governor of the State affected. Requires the Administrator to adjust any model used for determining the effect of emissions for the unique terrain or meteorological characteristic of an affected area. Directs the Administrator to conduct triennial conferences on air quality modeling. Establishes a National Commission on Air Quality to conduct an ongoing study of the implementation of the provisions of this Act. Requires the Administrator to promulgate regulations specifying categories of major stationary sources not already categorized, after consultation with the Governors. Permits applicable implemenation plans under such Act to prohibit the construction of new major stationary sources of air pollutants in any air quality control region in which a national ambient air quality standard is being exceeded for such pollutant if a variance is issued. Sets forth criteria for issuance of such variances. Permits Governors to issue emergency revisions of stationary source implementation plans based on employment levels in the areas affected. =Title II: Amendments Relating Primarily to Mobile Sources= - Directs the Administrator to conduct a study on the necessity and effectiveness of indirect source review programs which are contained in State implementation plans in reducing or preventing any projected increase in emissions of any mobile source-related air pollutant. Requires a report to the Congress on the results of such study. Sets limitations upon controls of indirect pollution sources promulgated by the Administrator. Permits variances from such controls where specified determinations are made by a Governor. Provides for test procedures for the measurement of evaporative emissions of hydrocarbons from vehicles and engines manufactured during or after model year 1978. Sets forth criteria by which a suspension of standards applicable to light-duty motor vehicles may be granted before model year 1985 upon application application of the manufacturer. Directs the Administrator to prescribe regulations applicable to emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen from heavy duty vehicles beginning with model year 1978. Specifies standards to be reflected in such regulations, and procedures for revisions of such regulations. Directs the Administrator to conduct a continuous pollutant-specific study concerning such sources, and requires additionally a continuing study of the effects on health and welfare of particular emissions from motor vehicles. Requires the issuance of conformity certificates for heavy-duty vehicles and motorcycles. Requires the establishment of emission standards under the Clean Air Act for pollutants from railroad locomotives, locomotive engines, and secondary power sources on railroad rolling stock. Requires that any such standards shall take effect after such period as the Administrator finds necessary, upon consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, to permit the development and application of the requisite technology which is found to be feasible for controlling such emissions. Stipulates that regulations under the Clean Air Act governing vapor recovery for mobile source fuels at the retail outlets of such fuels shall provide that the cost of vapor recovery equipment procurement and installation shall be borne by the outlet owner and that no part of such shall be transferred to any retail outlet lessee. Delays for two years the implementation of specified vapor recovery regulations, pending an economic analysis of their impact. Specifies conditions under which high altitude performance adjustments shall be allowed in anti-pollution equipment. Sets forth condtions under which regulations may be promulgated regarding fill pipe standards for new motor vehicles. Requires the Administrator to establish acceptable carbon monoxide levels for the interior of school buses. =Title III: Miscellaneous Amendments= - Provides for the redesignation of the air quality control regions within the States under the Clean Air Act. Requires the Administrator to conduct continuing evaluations of potential loss or shifts of employment which may result from the issuance of requirements under this Act. Authorizes the employees discharged, laid-off, or threatened with layoffs, due to such requirements to request of the Administrator a full investigation of the matter. Authorizes the Administrator to conduct public hearings following such requests wherein he may require parties, including the employers involved, to report on the effect of such requirements. Prohibits employers from discharging any employee who makes such a request or who commences any proceeding under this title. Requires the Task Force on Environmental Cancer and Heart and Lung Disease to research the impact of personal health habits, including smoking. Authorizes EPA to represent itself in civil actions in courts of original jurisdiction but reserves control of appellate litigation to the Department of Justice. Requires the Council on Environmental Quality to study and assess economic measures for the control of air pollution. Reserves to Congress the right to disapprove any rule or regulation change made pursuant to the Clean Air Act.

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Bill titles: A bill to amend the Clean Air Act.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 122-139, p. H10090;

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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