95th Congress > House > Vote 1469

Date: 1978-10-04

Result: 387-15

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: HR11302


Bill summary: (Conference report filed in House, H. Rept. 95-1593) Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act - Authorizes appropriations to the Environmental Protection Agency for environmental research, development, and demonstration activities for fiscal year 1979. Specifies amounts authorized for programs concerning water quality, pesticides, water supply, toxic substances, radiation, air quality, solid waste, noise control, and intermedia activities. Prohibits transfer of (...show more) funds, above a specified amount, without prior written approval by the appropriate Congressional committees or the lapse of 30 legislative days after the transmittal, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate, of a written report containing a full and complete statement concerning the nature of the transfer and the reason therefor. Declares that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall continue to be responsible for conducting full-scale demonstrations of energy-related pollution control technologies necessary to fulfill the provisions of the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and other pertinent statutes; and directs the Administrator to continue to conduct such demonstrations. Prohibits the transfer to the Department of Energy of energy-related environmental control projects which were authorized to be administered by the Environmental Protection Agency in fiscal year 1978. Authorizes funds for grants concerning long-term environmental research. Authorizes funds for a study and report, to be conducted outside the Federal Government, concerning the coordination of the Federal Government's effort in environmental research, development and demonstration and the application of the results of such efforts. Requires that such report be submitted to the President, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Congress within two years after the enactment of this Act. Authorizes funds for grants to support and encourage participation by qualified citizens groups in determining how scientific, technological, and social trends and changes affect the future environment and quality of life of an area, and in setting goals and indentifying measures for improvement. Sets forth conditions which must be met to qualify for annual grants for such programs. Prohibits the use of any financial assistance so provided to support lobbying or litigation by any recipient group. Authorizes appropriations for use by the National Bureau of Standards for research in the area of environmental measurement and for development of specifications for recovered materials. Requires the Administrator to timely make available to the appropriate Congressional committees all reports relevant to the Agency's program of research, development, and demonstration. Amends the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstrating Act of 1978 to allow grants for research concerning the reuse of wastewaters for agricultural use. Requires, prior to making any grant, for a project which involves direct human consumption of treated wastewater, that the Administrator promulgate guidelines establishing standards pertaining to the quality of the water resulting from demonstration projects for water reclamation, recycling and reuse. Stipulates that an applicant demonstrate that the project complies with such guidelines and national primary drinking water regulations, and provides safe drinking water. Authorizes funds for grants concerning such research.

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Bill titles: A bill to authorize appropriations for environmental research, development, and demonstrations for the fiscal year 1979, and for other purposes.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 124-159, p. 11458;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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