96th Congress > House > Vote 320

Date: 1979-07-18

Result: 242-177

Vote Subject Matter: Foreign and Defense Policy / Foreign Policy Budget

Bill number: HR4473


Bill summary: (Conference report filed in House, H. Rept. 96-787) Foreign Assistance and Related Program Appropriations Act, 1980 - Makes appropriations for foreign assistance for fiscal year 1980. =Title I: Multilateral Economic Assistance= - Appropriates funds for the U.S. contributions to the: (1) Inter-American Development Bank (with a ceiling on the amounts available for the new increase in and the replenishment of the resources of the Fund for Special Operations); (2) International Bank for (...show more) Reconstruction and Development; (3) International Finance Corporation; (4) International Development Association; (5) Asian Development Bank; and (6) African Development Fund. Prohibits such payments while the U.S. Executive Director to the Bank concerned receives compensation in excess of specified amounts. Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. share of contributions to various international financial institutions should not exceed specified percentages. Appropriates funds for international organizations and programs. Limits the amounts to be available for the United Nations Environment Program and the United Nations Development Program. Prohibits the use of funds made available for international organizations and programs for the U.S. proportionate share for programs for specified foreign organizations or Cuba. =Title II: Bilateral Economic Assistance= - Makes appropriations to carry out the following provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961: (1) agriculture, rural development, and nutrition assistance; (2) population assistance; (3) health assistance; (4) education and human resources development assistance; (5) technical assistance, energy, research, reconstruction, and selected development problems; (6) loan allocation assistance; (7) American schools and hospitals abroad; (8) contingencies; (9) international disaster assistance (Directs the President to satisfy himself and report to Congress, that adequate procedures have been established to ensure that assistance reaches the Cambodian famine victims.); (10) African refugee assistance through the State Department's Office of Refugee Programs; (11) Sahel development program; (12) payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund; (13) overseas training and special development activities; (14) Economic Support Fund (with specified minimum amounts earmarked for Israel and Egypt and maximum amounts for refugee assistance in Rhodesia and programs in southern Africa administered by the Office of Refugee Programs); (15) peacekeeping operations; (16) operating expenses of the Agency for International Development (with limits on the amounts to be spent in Washington, for hiring experts and consultants and for International Development Cooperation Agency expenses); and (17) international narcotics control (earmarking a portion for Columbia). Appropriates funds for the: (1) Inter-American Foundation (with a ceiling on the amount available for necessary expenses during fiscal year 1980); (2) programs of scientific and technological cooperation administered by the Agency for International Development which meet specified conditions; (3) Overseas Private Investment corporation; (4) Peace Corps (prohibits any funding of abortions); and (5) migration and refugee assistance. Prohibits the used funds appropriated for the Economic Support Fund for assistance to Syria until Congress is notified by the President that Syria is acting in good faith in furthering Middle East peace. =Title III: Military Assistance= - Makes appropriations for: (1) military assistance; (2) international military education and training; and (3) foreign military credit sales (with a specified minimum amount earmarked for Israel). =Title IV: Export-Import Bank of the United States= - Authorizes the Export-Import Bank to make expenditures without regard to specified fiscal year limitations. Limits the use of funds for nuclear exports. Sets ceilings on the amounts authorized for programs, including direct loans, and for administrative expenses. =Title V: General Provisions= - Prohibits the use of appropriated funds for: (1) water resource projects not meeting specified criteria; (2) the obligation of more than 15 percent of such funds during the last month, with specific exceptions; (3) military pensions of any recipient country; (4) procurement contracts not containing termination provisions for the convenience of the United States; (5) the assessments or dues of any U.N. member; (6) the transfer of funds to various international banks; (7) financing nuclear exports or providing nuclear training to foreigners; (8) aiding governments to repress human rights; (9) direct assistance to Mozambique unless the President determines and so reports to Congress that such assistance would further U.S. interests; (10) direct assistance to Angola, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, or Cuba; (11) obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided; (12) assistance to countries in default on loans made by the United States; (13) international financial institutions whose U.S. representative cannot obtain the amounts and names of borrowers of loans and management documents from such institutions; (14) countries aiding international terrorists or war criminals; (15) financing loans or assistance to produce export commodities likely to be in surplus on world markets and which will cause substantial injuries to U.S. producers; (16) direct economic or military assistance to Panama (excepting food and medical assistance); and (17) the Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation or to any Federal department or agency to plan for the establishment of such Institute. Continues the availability of unobligated balances from prior fiscal years for the Economic Support Fund for the Maqarin Dam and Middle East Regional Cooperation and Development programs. Establishes guidelines for the selection of foreign nationals to participate in the Agency for International Development training programs in the United States. Requires congressional approval before appropriated funds; (1) may be obligated under an appropriation account to which they were not appropriated; or (2) may be used for publicity or propaganda purposes within the United States. Requires each report or other document prepared in part by other than full-time employees of agencies receiving funding pursuant to this Act to document the cost to the U.S. government of such portion. Requires notification be given to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees before making funds appropriated for specified programs available for obligations not justified or in excess of the amounts justified. Limits the amount of funds appropriated for specified purposes and agencies that may be used for entertainment expenses and representation allowances. Earmarks a specified portion of the amounts appropriated for development assistance and the Economic Support Fund for Uganda. Expresses the sense of the Congress that the United States should work with the Organization of American States to insure that no further foreign military encroachments are made into the Western Hemisphere.

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Bill titles: A bill making appropriations for Foreign Assistance and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, and for other purposes.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 97, p. 6154;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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