96th Congress > House > Vote 1227

Date: 1980-11-13

Result: 158-215

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget General Interest

Sponsor: BROOKS, Jack Bascom (D-TX)

Bill number: HR7112


Bill summary: (House agreed to certain Senate amendments with amendments (Pursuant to H. Res. 826 )) State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act Amendments of 1980 - Amends the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 to authorize appropriations to the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund to pay the entitlements of local governmental units during fiscal year 1981-1983. Authorizes appropriations to the Trust Fund to make allocations to State governments during fiscal years 1982 and 1983. Requires the (...show more) States to decline or refund amounts under any Federal categorical grant program before receiving such allocations. Provides for the allocation of funds to which States are entitled. Adjusts and reallocates the entitlement of a unit of local government where the amount allocated to such unit exceeds a specified limit. Extends the time period during which the optional formula may be used in allocating funds among county areas or other local governmental units until September 30, 1983. Reduces the entitlements of Louisiana law enforcement officers and of specified Louisiana county governments for the entitlement period beginning October 1, 1980, and for any entitlement period for which the State government amount has been authorized but not appropriated. Repeals the provision for judicial review for States which receive a notive of reduction in entitlement. Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to request the Census Bureau to adjust the population data to include a reasonable estimate of people not counted in the 1980 census to be used in calculating allocations for the next entitlement period. Deems State and local governments as not in violation of the requirement for a public hearing on proposed uses of funds if such governments have held hearings prior to enactment of this Act based on reasonable projecttions of funds being available. Authorizes the waiver of the auditing requirements for governments audited by a State audit agency which does not follow accepted standards or is not independent, but which is progressing towards meeting such standards or becoming independent. Authorizes the local governmental units of a State to conduct audits which the State should have conducted, Requires such audits to cover only specified accounts. Removes the requirement that governments of Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages spend revenue sharing funds for the benefit of members of the tribe or village according to the county in which they reside. Discharges States from the obligation to repay the United States for specified deposits made in 1836. Requires the allocations to States and local jurisdictions to reflect any adjustments made pursuant to a special census ordered by the President because of a major influx of legal immigrants into a certain area within six months of a regular decennial census. Makes October 1, 1980, the effective date of specified amendments made by this Act.

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Bill titles: A bill to authorize an extension and amendment of the revenue sharing program to provide general purpose fiscal assistance to local governments, and for other purposes.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 158, p. 10598;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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