98th Congress > House > Vote 218

Date: 1983-06-29

Result: 337-82

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: HR3132


Bill summary: (House receded and concurred in certain Senate amendments with an amendment) Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act, 1984 - Title I: Department of Defense - Civil - Department of the Army - Appropriates specified sums for FY 1984 for the Department of the Army for: (1) general investigations pertaining to river and harbor, flood control, shore protection, and related projects; (2) construction of such projects; (3) emergency flood control, hurricane, and shore protection activities; (...show more) (4) design and construction of a Corps of Engineers' learning facility at Huntsville, Alabama; (5) flood control along the Mississippi River and its tributaries; (6) general operation and maintenance of existing river and harbor, flood control, and related works; (7) general administration in the office of the Chief of Engineers and offices of the Division Engineers, activities of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors and the Coastal Engineering Research Center, commercial statistics, and miscellaneous investigations; (8) construction, operation, and maintenance of outdoor recreation facilities and collection of special recreation use fees; and (9) expenses of attendance at certain military meetings, uniforms and allowance, printing of survey reports, official reception and representation expenses, and the purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles. Limits the total accrued expenditures of the capital investment program of the Corps of Engineers revolving fund to $78,000,000 in FY 1984. Prohibits the use of funds appropriated under this title to change any project which is partially constructed but not funded for construction under this title. Authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to reimburse local and State interests for expenditures made before July 1, 1969, in construction of the Flat River Channel improvement feature of the Bayou Bodcau and Tributaries project in Louisiana. Authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to enter into a purchase contract for new buildings for the U.S. Army Engineer District in New Orleans, Louisiana. Title II: Department of the Interior - Appropriates specified sums for FY 1984 for the Bureau of Reclamation for: (1) engineering and economic investigations of Federal reclamation projects and studies of water conservation and development plans and activities; (2) construction and rehabilitation of projects and transfers to the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund and to the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund; (3) operation and maintenance of reclamation projects and a soil and moisture conservation program on lands under the Bureau's jurisdiction; (4) loans to irrigation districts and other public agencies for construction of distribution systems on Federal reclamation projects and loans and grants to non-Federal agencies for such construction projects; (5) general administration in the offices of the Commissioner of the Bureau and in the Bureau's regional offices; and (6) the Emergency fund. Prohibits the determination of the final discharge point for the interceptor drain for the San Luis Unit in California until a plan to minimize any detrimental effect of the San Luis drainage waters has been developed. Prohibits the use of appropriated funds under this title for construction or operation of facilities to prevent the waters of Lake Powell from entering any national monument. Makes funds available to: (1) initiate a rehabilitation and betterment program with the Twin Falls Canal Company in Idaho; and (2) enable the Secretary of the Interior to begin rehabilitating the Velarde Community Ditch Project in New Mexico. Makes appropriated funds available to the Bureau for: (1) passenger motor vehicles and aircraft; (2) payment of damage claims against the Bureau; (3) compensation of Bureau employees appointed as U.S. representatives to interstate compact negotiations; (4) experts and consultants; (5) rewards for information on property violations; (6) operation and maintenance functions; (7) preparation and dissemination of useful information; and (8) studies of recreational uses of reservoir areas and investigation and recovery of archaeological and paleontological remains in such areas. Prohibits the use of funds appropriated for operation and maintenance for the benefit of lands in an irrigation district or lands owned by any member of a water users' organization or any individual if such district, organization, or individual is in arrears for more than 12 months in the payment of charges under a contract with the United States. Makes the Department of the Interior appropriations in this title available for: (1) emergency reconstruction, replacement, or repair of aircraft, buildings, facilities, or equipment; (2) suppression or emergency prevention of forest or range fires; (3) operation of warehouses, garages, shops, and similar facilities; and (4) aircraft, passenger motor vehicles, reprints, telephone services in private residences in the field, and dues for library membership in certain societies and associations. Provides that the cost of foundation treatment, drainage, and instrumentation work at Twin Buttes Dam in Texas shall be nonreimbursable under the Federal reclamation laws. Title III: Department of Energy - Appropriates specified sums for FY 1984 for Department of Energy expenses in connection with: (1) energy supply, research, and development activities; (2) uranium supply and enrichment activities; (3) general science and research activities; (4) nuclear waste disposal activities; (5) atomic energy defense activities; and (6) departmental administration. Prohibits the obligation or expenditure of funds after enactment of this Act for Project 82-D-109 unless the President certifies that: (1) for each 155mm nuclear weapon produced an existing 155mm nuclear weapon shall be removed from the stockpile and permanently dismantled; and (2) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization nation in which such weapons are to be deployed has given formal notification that it has approved replacement of existing 155mm nuclear weapons with the new 155mm nuclear weapons. Provides that no funds shall be available for restarting the L - Reactor at the Savannah River Plant in South Carolina until the Department of Energy completes an environmental impact statement and a discharge permit has been issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Requires that such permit incorporate the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the Department of Energy and South Carolina relating to studies and mitigation programs associated with such restart. Requires that the preparation and completion of the environmental impact statement be expedited. Appropriates funds for: (1) the Alaska Power Administration; (2) the Southeastern Power Administration; (3) the Southwestern Power Administration; (4) the Western Area Power Administration; and (5) the Emergency Fund of the Western Area Power Administration. Approves expenditures from the Bonneville Power Administration Fund for: (1) official reception and representation expenses; and (2) financing the construction program and other new programs. Appropriates funds for: (1) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; (2) the Geothermal Resources Development Fund; and (3) motor vehicles, aircraft, uniforms, and security guard services for the Department of Energy. Prohibits the reprogramming of more than five percent of the funds appropriated for the current fiscal year for Department of Energy activities funded in this Act. Prohibits the increase or decrease of any such appropriation by more than five percent by such reprogramming. Limits the expenditure of funds for consulting services to those procurement contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record and are available for public inspection. Prohibits the use of Department of Energy funds to compensate parties intervening in legal proceedings funded in the Department of Energy. Makes up to $500,000 of the funds available to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission available for updating the comprehensive water resources analysis covering Merced county, Mariposa county, Madera county, and Fresno county in California. Title IV: Independent Agencies - Appropriates funds for FY 1984 for: (1) salaries and expenses and the Federal share of expenses of the Appalachian Regional Commission; (2) Appalachian Regional Development programs; (3) expenses of the U.S. member of the Delaware River Basin Commission and payment of the U.S. share of current expenses of such Commission; (4) the U.S. share of expenses of the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin; (5) salaries and expenses of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; (6) expenses of the U.S. member of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission and the U.S. share of expenses of such Commission; and (7) the Tennessee Valley Authority Fund. Title V: General Provisions - Prohibits the obligation of funds appropriated under this Act beyond the current fiscal year unless provided in this Act. Prohibits the use of funds appropriated under this Act to: (1) compensate parties intervening in legal proceedings funded in this Act; (2) implement regulations disapproved by a resolution of disapproval; (3) implement a program of retention contracts for senior employees of the Tennessee Valley Authority; or (4) conduct studies with respect to changing the method of pricing hydroelectric power by the six Federal public power authorities or by other Government agencies. Limits the expenditure of funds under this Act for consulting services to those procurement contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record and are available for public inspection.

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Bill titles: A bill making appropriations for energy and water development for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, and for other purposes.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 93, p. 4745;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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