Key Vote 98th Congress > House > Vote 270

Date: 1983-07-28

Result: 228-195

Vote Subject Matter: Foreign and Defense Policy / Defense Policy Resolutions

Bill number: HR2760

Description: TO PASS H.R. 2760. (MOTION PASSED)

Bill summary: (Measure passed House, amended, roll call #285 (228-195)) Amends the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1983 to prohibit the Central Intelligence Agency or any other agency involved in intelligence activities from using FY 1983 or 1984 appropriations to support military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua. Authorizes the President to furnish assistance to a friendly country in Central America to enable such country to prevent the use of its territory or to prevent, to the extent ( more) permitted by international law, the use of international territory for the transfer of military equipment from or through Cuba, Nicaragua, or any other country or agents of that country, to a group which seeks to overthrow the government of that country or another friendly government. Requires such aid to be provided openly. Permits such assistance only if the receiving country agrees not use the assistance to overthrow the government of another Central American country. Requires the President, at least 15 days before providing such assistance, to describe the proposed assistance to the Congress in an unclassified report. Authorizes appropriations for FY 1983 and 1984. Declares that such funds shall be available for any friendly country in Central America only for the purpose of interdicting the transfer of military equipment to any country in Central America. Directs the President to seek a reconvening of the Seventeenth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Organization of American States (OAS) in order to reevaluate the compliance by the Government of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua with its commitments to OAS and with the OAS Charter. Directs the President to seek actions by OAS that would provide a full range of effective measures by member states to bring about Nicaraguan compliance with those obligations, including verifiable agreements to halt the transfer of military equipment and to cease furnishing military support to groups seeking the violent overthrow of Central American governments. Directs the President to use all diplomatic means available to encourage the OAS to seek resolutions of the conflicts in Central America based on the provisions of the Final Act of the San Jose Conference of October, 1982. Declares that the United States shall support measures at the OAS, as well as efforts of the Contadora Group, which seek to end support for terrorist, subversive, or other activities aimed at the violent overthrow of Central American governments. Authorizes using funds that are authorized to be appropriated by this Act to provide U.S. support for activities with respect to Nicaragua which are designed to end the conflict in the region and which are approved by the OAS. Directs the President to report to Congress by March 15, 1984, on the results of efforts made pursuant to this Act to achieve peace in Central America and to end the flow of arms in Central America.

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Bill titles: A bill to amend the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1983 to prohibit United States support for military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua and to authorize assistance, to be openly provided to governments of countries in Central America, to interdict the supply of military equipment from Nicaragua and Cuba to individuals, groups, organizations, or movements seeking to overthrow governments of countries in Central America.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 109, p. 5884;

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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