98th Congress > House > Vote 757

Date: 1984-06-28

Result: 253-157

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Internal Organization

Bill number: HR5753


Bill summary: (Conference report filed in House, H. Rept. 98-870) Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1985 - Title I: Congressional Operations - Congressional Operations Appropriation Act, 1985 - Appropriates funds for FY 1985 for the operations of the Senate for the following: (1) mileage of the Vice President and Senators; (2) Senate leadership offices; (3) salaries and expenses for officers and employees; and (4) miscellaneous items. Removes the limitation on travel expenses of the Secretary of the (...show more) Senate. Provides that the Financial Clerk of the Senate shall discharge the Secretary's duties as disbursing officer in the event that the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary are unable to perform such duties. (Currently, the Financial Clerk performs such duties in the event the Secretary is unable.) Revises provisions with respect to Senate staff allowances. Directs the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate to deposit into the contingent fund any amounts received as equipment reimbursements. Allows the Sergeant at Arms to employ personnel at a daily rate. Increases the amount available to the Sergeant at Arms for consultant services. Repeals the requirement that the Senate reimburse the General Accounting Office for the salaries and expenses of its employees assigned or detailed to the Senate. Authorizes the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Select Committee on Ethics to designate one staff employee to perform part-time service for such Committee. Prohibits the salary of a Senate office employee from being less than a specified amount. Appropriates funds for FY 1985 for the operations of the House of Representatives for the following: (1) mileage of Members; (2) House leadership offices; (3) salaries for officers and employees; (4) professional and clerical employees of standing committees; (5) studies and investigations by the Committee on Appropriations; (6) studies by the Committee on the Budget; (7) Members' clerk hire; (8) contingent expenses; and (9) salaries and expenses of standing, special, and select committees. Makes permanent certain provisions of previously approved resolutions relating to: (1) the Office for the Bicentennial for the House; (2) the appointment and education of pages; (3) the use of certain educational facilities; and (4) the upgrading of four positions on the Capitol Police. Makes appropriations for the following joint items: (1) contingent expenses of the Senate for the Joint Economic Committee and the Joint Committee on Printing; (2) contingent expenses of the House for the Joint Committee on Taxation; (3) the Office of the Attending Physician; (4) the Capitol Police for general expenses and the Capitol Police Board; (5) official mail costs; (6) salaries and expenses of the Capitol Guide Service; and (7) the preparation of required statements of appropriations. Appropriates funds for the following congressional offices: (1) the Office of Technology Assessment for salaries and expenses; (2) the Congressional Budget Office for salaries and expenses; (3) the Architect of the Capitol for salaries, travel, contingent expenses, the Capitol buildings and grounds, House and Senate office buildings, and the Capitol power plant; (4) the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress for salaries and expenses; and (5) the Government Printing Office for congressional printing and binding. Title II: Other Agencies - Appropriates funds for the following congressional agencies: (1) the Botanic Garden for salaries and expenses; (2) the Library of Congress for salaries and expenses, including the Copyright Office, Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, collection and distribution of Library materials (Special Foreign Currency Program), and furniture and furnishings; (3) the Architect of the Capitol for Library buildings and grounds; (4) the Copyright Royalty Tribunal for salaries and expenses; (5) the Government Printing Office for certain printing and binding, the Office of Superintendent of Documents, and the Government Printing Office revolving fund; (6) the General Accounting Office for salaries and expenses; and (7) the Railroad Accounting Principles Board for salaries and expenses. Makes funds available to the Library of Congress for expenses of attendance at certain meetings, of which a specified amount is set aside for the Congressional Research Service. Prohibits the Library from using appropriated funds to administer a flexible or compressed work schedule for certain managers or supervisors. Title III: General Provisions - Prohibits the use of funds provided by this Act for general maintenance and care of private vehicles. Prohibits the obligation of such funds beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided. Makes permanent law the rates of compensation and certain official expenses provided under this Act. Limits the expenditure of such appropriations for procurement contracts to those contracts that are a matter of public record and available for public inspection.

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Bill titles: A bill making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985, and for other purposes.; Congressional Operations Appropriation Act, 1985

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 91, p. 7272;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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