98th Congress > House > Vote 827

Date: 1984-08-10

Result: 234-161

Vote Subject Matter: Foreign and Defense Policy / Defense Policy Budget

Sponsor: KEMP, Jack French (R-NY)

Bill number: HR6040


Bill summary: (Conference report filed in House, H. Rept. 98-977) Second Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1984 - Title I - Chapter I - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Agriculture for: (1) the Agricultural Research Service; (2) the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; (3) the Agricultural Marketing Service; (4) subscription to capital stock of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation; (5) the Farmers Home Administration; (6) the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund; (7) (...show more) rural housing preservation grants; (8) the Soil Conservation Service; (9) the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service; (10) the Food and Nutrition Service; and (11) the Foreign Agricultural Service. Amends the Agricultural Act of 1949 with respect to the 1985 wheat program to permit grazing on diverted acreage except during five of the principal growing months. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Health and Human Services for the Food and Drug Administration. Chapter II - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Commerce for: (1) general administration; (2) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; (3) the National Bureau of Standards; and (4) the Economic Development Administration. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Transportation for: (1) the Maritime Administration; (2) the International Trade Commission; and (3) the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Justice for: (1) general administration; (2) the working capital fund; (3) the U.S. Parole Commission; (4) general legal activities; (5) salaries and expenses of U.S. attorneys and marshals (transfer of funds); (6) support of U.S. prisoners; (7) fees and expenses of witnesses; (8) interagency law enforcement; (9) the Federal Prison System (including transfer of funds); and (10) the National Institute of Corrections. Authorizes the Attorney General to accept, receive, hold, and administer on behalf of United States, gifts of money, personal property, and services, for the purpose of hosting the meeting of the General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) in September and October, 1985. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of State for: (1) administration of foreign affairs (including transfers of funds); (2) acquisition, operation, and maintenance of buildings abroad; and (3) payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) Board for International Broadcasting for grants and expenses; and (2) Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Judiciary for: (1) care of the building and grounds of the Supreme Court; (2) defender services; (3) expenses of operation and maintenance of the courts; and (4) bankruptcy courts (including transfer of funds). Chapter III - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for the Department of Defense - Military for: (1) military personnel, Army, and Marine Corps; (2) operation and maintenance, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Defense Agencies, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Army National Guard, and Air National Guard; and (3) procurement, Air Force. Repeals certain provisions of the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1984 which: (1) limited the amount of funds to be made available for payment to the Federal Employees Compensation Fund; and (2) prohibited the use of funds to provide the AN/SQR 19 Towed Array Sonar to any foreign country. Increases the amount of funds available for travel and transportation of dependent students of military and Department of Defense civilian personnel stationed overseas. Prohibits the use of such funds for transportation allowance for travel within or between the contiguous United States. Provides that certain limitations of the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1984, concerning the procurement of aircraft ejection seats manufactured in foreign countries shall only apply to ejection seats procured for installation on aircraft produced or assembled in the United States. Prohibits the use of funds for the floating storage of petroleum or petroleum products except in vessels of or belonging to the United States. Transfers certain funds to the Department of Education for grants to the Board of Education of the Highland Falls Fort Montgomery, New York, central school district. Transfers certain funds within the Department of Defense for the procurement of roll-on/roll-off strategic sealift vessels for the National Defense Reserve Fleet. Makes certain funds available for the battleship Missouri reactivation and for the purchase of at least 32 B-707 aircraft. Chapter IV - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Defense for the Corps of Engineers - Civil for general construction. Makes appropriations to pay certain flood damages resulting from operation of the W. G. Huxtable Pumping Station, St. Francis River, Arkansas, during May and June 1983. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of the Interior for the Bureau of Reclamation. Provides for crediting to their required share of costs those costs of construction of the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project, Washington, already paid by the State, the Yakima Indian Nations, or any other entity. Makes nonreimbursable certain Federal funds allocated to flood control work on the Gila River Channel in Arizona. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for the Appalachian Regional Development programs. Chapter V - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for policy development and research. Allocates funds for: (1) annual contributions for assisted housing; (2) payments for operation of low-income housing projects; and (3) urban homesteading. Reduces the maximum amount of rental housing assistance payments. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) Environmental Protection Agency for research and development, abatement, control, and compliance and the Hazardous Substance Response Trust Fund and construction grants; (2) the Council on Environmental Quality and the Office of Environmental Quality; and (3) the Federal Emergency Managemement Agency for emergency food and shelter. Requires the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to constitute a national board for the purpose of determining distribution of program funds to individual localities. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) National Aeronautics and Space Administration for research and development; (2) the National Institute of Building Sciences for salaries and expenses and the trust fund (hereby established); (3) the National Science Foundation for research and related activities; (4) the Veterans Administration for compensation and pensions, readjustment benefits, medical care, general operating expenses, and the loan guaranty revolving fund; and (5) the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation. Terminates the National Institute of Building Sciences Trust Fund on October 1, 1989. Chapter VI - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of the Interior for: (1) the Bureau of Land Management; (2) the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (3) the National Park Service; (4) Geological Survey (including transfer of funds); (5) the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement; (6) the Bureau of Indian Affairs; and (7) the administration of territories. Rescinds certain contract authority with respect to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for FY 1984. Extends until September 30, 1985, the date that the State of Alaska must begin operating the Mount Edgecumbe Boarding School for Alaskan Natives. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) Department of Agriculture for the Forest Service and land acquisition; (2) Department of Energy for fossil energy research and development, economic regulation, and strategic petroleum reserve; (3) National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities for the National Endowment for the Arts; and (4) the Department of Education for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Provides that no funds shall be obligated for the acquisition of lands or waters unless the seller has been offered, and has rejected, an exchange for specific lands of comparable value and utility, if such potential exchange lands are available within the boundary of the same State as the lands to be acquired. Amends the Indian Elementary and Secondary School Assistance Act to provide that no payments shall be made under such Act to any local educational agency unless the State educational agency finds that the combined fiscal effort of that agency and the State in providing free public education for the preceding fiscal year was not less than 90 percent of the effort for the second preceding fiscal year. Permits a one-year waiver of such requirement for exceptional circumstances. Chapter VII: Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) Department of Labor for training and employment services, State unemployment insurance and employment service operations, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and (2) the Department of Health and Human Services for the Centers for Disease Control, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, the Social Security Administration's Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Office of Human Development Services, developmental disabilities assistance social services block grants, family social services, and work incentives. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Education for: (1) special programs; (2) rehabilitation services and handicapped research; (3) higher education; (4) special institutions (Gallaudet College and Howard University); (5) the Office of the Inspector General (transfer of funds); (6) compensatory education for the disadvantaged; (7) school assistance in Federally affected areas; and (8) education for the handicapped. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to: (1) ACTION; and (2) the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Chapter VIII - Legislative Branch - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Senate for: (1) the Office of the Vice President; (2) Offices of the majority and minority whips; (3) Offices of the Secretaries of the Conference of the Majority and the Conference of the Minority; (4) administrative, clerical, and legislative assistance to Senators; (5) Senate policy committees; (6) the Secretary of the Senate; (7) the Sergeant at Arms and the Doorkeeper of the Senate; and (8) miscellaneous items. Authorizes the Architect of the Capitol, subject to the approval of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, to borrow from the miscellaneous items appropriation account for management of the Senate restaurants. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the House of Representatives for: (1) payments to widows and heirs of deceased Members of Congress; (2) House leadership offices; (3) salaries, officers and employees; (4) the Committee on Appropriations (studies and investigations); (5) Members' clerk hire; and (6) allowances and expenses. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for the following joint items: (1) the joint committee on inaugural ceremonies of 1985; (2) office of the attending physician; (3) capitol police; (4) official mail cost; (5) the Architect of the Capitol; (6) Capitol buildings (including rescission of certain funds); (7) Capitol grounds; (8) House and Senate office buildings; (9) Library buildings and grounds; and (10) the Library of Congress. Earmarks funds for the renovation and restoration of the Jefferson and Adams Buildings of the Library of Congress. Chapter IX - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for military construction, Navy and Air Force. Limits the amount of funds that may be used for military construction by foreign contractors in the U.S. territories and possessions in the Pacific and on Kwajalein Island. Makes funds appropriated for the renovation of and addition to the Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, also available for the design of a replacement facility. Permits certain appropriated funds to be transferred to the Department of Defense for military construction. Transfers certain funds to the appropriations for family housing provided in the FY 1984 Military Construction Appropriation Act. Permits the Secretary of the Navy to utilize part of the funds from the sale of property at the Naval Base, Port Hueneme, California, as specified in Public Law 98-115, to build replacement facilities. Chapter X - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Transportation for: (1) Coast Guard (transfer of funds); (2) the Federal Aviation Administration; (3) the Federal Railroad Administration; (4) Conrail Labor Protection (including transfer of funds); (5) settlements of railroad litigation, (6) grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation; and (7) railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing funds. Amends the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 to make funds available for bus and bus-related facilities if there are no commuter rail or fixed guideway systems in operation and attributable to the urbanized area in the fiscal year of apportionment. Rescinds specified funds appropriated to the Panama Canal Commission for operating expenses and capital outlay. Chapter XI - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) Department of the Treasury for the Bureau of Government Financial Operations; and (2) Executive Office of the President for the Office of Management and Budget. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) General Services Administration; (2) the Office of Personnel Management (including transfers from trust funds); (3) to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund; and (4) the U.S. Tax Court. Amends the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1982 to provide that if the percentage increase in the price index for FY 1985 is less than the assumed increase for that year, then the increase in the annuity or retired or retainer pay of an early Federal retiree taking effect that fiscal year shall be equal to the percentage increase in the price index for that year. Provides for the adjustment of annuities for any former Member of Congress whose annuity was terminated because of such Member's employment in the judicial or executive branch of the Federal government. Chapter XII - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Agency for International Development for: (1) payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund; (2) operating expenses; and (3) the Economic Support Fund. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of State for migration and refugee assistance. Prohibits the restriction for obligation or disbursement of the funds made available by this chapter solely as a result of the policies of any multilateral institution. Chapter XIII - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the District of Columbia for: (1) District of Columbia Retirement Board; (2) economic development and regulation; (3) public safety and justice (including transfer of funds); (4) human support services (including a transfer of funds); (5) public works (transfer of funds); (6) adjustments; (7) Washington Convention Center Fund; and (8) capital outlay. Rescinds funds previously appropriated for the Washington Convention Center Enterprise Fund. Title II: Increased Pay Costs for Fiscal Year 1984 - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for increased pay costs to the legislative branch for: (1) the House of Representatives and the Senate; (2) joint items; (3) the Office of Technology Assessment; (4) the Congressional Budget Office; (5) the Architect of the Capitol; (6) the Botanic Garden; (7) the Library of Congress; and (8) the General Accounting Office. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for increased pay costs to the Judiciary for: (1) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (transfer of funds); (2) the U.S. Court of International Trade (transfer of funds); (3) the Court of Appeals, District Courts, and other Judicial Services (transfers of funds); and (4) the Federal Judicial Center (transfer for funds). Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 for increased pay costs to the Executive Office of the President for: (1) the White House office; (2) the Executive Residence at the White House; (3) the Office of Management and Budget; and (4) the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Agency for International Development for operating expenses. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 (including transfers of funds) to the Department of Agriculture for: (1) the Rural Electrification Administration; (2) the Farmers Home Administration; (3) the Soil Conservation Service; (4) the Agricultural Marketing Service; (5) the Food Safety and Inspection Service; (6) the Food and Nutrition Service; and (7) the Forest Service (transfer of funds). Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Commerce for: (1) general administration (transfer of funds); (2) the Bureau of the Census (transfer of funds); (3) the Economic Development Administration; (4) the International Trade Administration; (5) the Minority Business Development Agency (transfer of funds); (6) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; (7) the Patent and Trademark Office; (8) the National Bureau of Standards (transfer of funds); and (9) the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (transfer of funds). Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Defense-Military for: (1) military personnel (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force); and (2) operation and maintenance, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Defense Agencies, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Army National Guard, Air National Guard, and the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, Army. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Defense - Civil - Department of the Army for: (1) cemeterial expenses, Army; (2) Corps of Engineers - Civil (transfer of funds); and (3) the Soldiers' and Airmen's Home. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Education for departmental management (transfer of funds). Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of of Energy for energy information administration and economic regulation. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Health and Human Services for: (1) the Food and Drug Administration (including transfers of funds); (2) the Health Resources and Services Administration (including transfer of funds); (3) the Centers for Disease Control (including transfer of funds); (4) the National Institutes of Health (including transfer of funds); (5) the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (including transfer of funds); (6) the Social Security Administration (including transfer of funds); (7) the Office of Community Service (including transfer of funds); (8) departmental management (transfer of funds). Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of the Interior for the: (1) Bureau of Land Management; (2) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (3) National Park Service; (4) Mineral Management Service; (5) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement; (6) Bureau of Reclamation; (7) Bureau of Indian Affairs; (8) Office of Territorial and International Affairs; and (9) Geological Survey. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Justice for: (1) general administration; (2) the United States Parole Commission: (3) various legal activities; (4) interagency law enforcement; (5) the Federal Bureau of Investigation; (6) the Drug Enforcement Administration; (7) the Immigration and Naturalization Service; (8) the Federal Prison System; and (9) the Office of Justice Assistance (transfer of funds). Transfers specified funds within the Department of Labor to: (1) the Employment Standards Administration; and (2) departmental management. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of State for: (1) administration of foreign affairs; and (2) international commissions. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of Transportation for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Transfers specified funds within the Department of Transportation to the: (1) Federal Highway Administration; (2) Federal Railroad Administration; (3) Urban Mass Transportation Administration; (4) Federal Aviation Administration; (5) Coast Guard; and (6) Office of the Secretary. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the Department of the Treasury for the: (1) Office of the Secretary; (2) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; (3) Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms; (4) U.S. Customs Service; (5) Internal Revenue Service; and (6) U.S. Secret Service. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the: (1) Environmental Protection Agency for salaries and expenses; (2) National Aeronautics and Space Administration for research and program management; (3) Office of Personnel Management (including transfer of funds) for salaries and expenses; (4) Small Business Administration for salaries and expenses; and (5) Veterans Administration for medical care and medical and prosthetic research. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the following independent agencies: (1) Administrative Conference of the United States; (2) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; (3) Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; (4) Civil Aeronautics Board (transfer of funds); (5) Commission on Civil Rights; (6) Commodity Futures Trading Commission; (7) Consumer Product Safety Commission; (8) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; (9) Federal Communications Commission; (10) Federal Election Commission; (11) Federal Emergency Management Agency; (12) Federal Labor Relations Authority; (13) Federal Maritime Commission; (14) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; (15) Federal Trade Commission; and (16) Intelligence Community Staff. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1984 to the following independent agencies: (1) Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations; (2) International Trade Commission; (3) Merit Systems Protection Board; (4) National Capital Planning Commission; (5) National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities; (6) National Science Foundation; (7) National Transportation Safety Board; (8) Securities and Exchange Commission; (9) Selective Service System; (10) Smithsonian Institution; (11) Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission; (12) U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council; (13) U.S. Information Agency; and (14) U.S. Tax Court. Title III: General Provisions - Prohibits any part of any appropriation contained in this Act from remaining available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided. Increases, generally, the ceilings on amounts which may be expended for personal services to the extent necessary to meet increased pay costs authorized by or pursuant to law. Modifies the project for Bonneville Lock and Dam, Second Powerhouse, Washington and Oregon, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to acquire certain lands in the Steigerwald Lake Wetlands Area, Clark County, Washington. Authorizes the Secretary to undertake initial development of such lands and to convey them to the Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for operation and maintenance. Prohibits the use of funds appropriated to the Federal Communications Commission to implement, prior to April 1, 1985, the Commission's decision adopted on July 26, 1984 in Docket GEN 83-1009 as it applies to television licenses. Declares that it is the sense of the Congress that the President, in cooperation with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, should exercise appropriate authority to assure that an adequate flow of credit be available to American farmers at reasonable rates and that American farmers be treated no less favorably than foreign borrowers with comparable levels of risk. Urges action to reduce interest rates which are currently at levels abnormally above the historic real cost of money. Extends until December 31, 1985, the period during which a retired member of the uniformed services may be employed by the Federal Aviation Administration to perform duties in the operation of the air traffic control system without a reduction in retired or retainer pay. Sets forth provisions with respect to the expenditure of funds appropriated for the Legal Services Corporation upon the enactment of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1985. Declares that it is the sense of the Congress that the President should use all practicable means to necessitate an end to the use of unfair trade subsidies for poultry and egg exports by countries of the European Economic Community and Brazil in order to permit American producers to compete more fairly in international markets and to avoid the imposition of such subsidies by the United States. Directs the President to use all available authority to move U.S. agricultural products in world trade at competitive prices. Directs the Secretary of Commerce to report to the appropriate committes of Congress a proposal to meet the funding obligations of the Fishermen's Guarantee Fund.

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Bill titles: A bill to make supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, and for other purposes.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 107, p. 8982;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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