105th Congress > House > Vote 58

Date: 1997-03-19

Result: 222-210 (Passed)

Clerk session vote number: 59

Vote Subject Matter: Social Welfare / Regulation General Interest

Bill number: HR1

Question: On Passage

Description: Working Families Flexibility Act

Bill summary: Working Families Flexibility Act of 1997 - Amends the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide for compensatory time for all employees. Allows an employee to receive, in lieu of monetary overtime compensation, compensatory time off at a rate not less than one and one-half hours for each hour of employment for which overtime compensation is required under the Act. Allows an employer to provide such compensatory time only: (1) pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement with employee (...show more) representatives, or, where there is no certified or recognized labor organization, pursuant to an agreement with the employee if such agreement was entered into knowingly and voluntarily; and (2) if a private employee has affirmed, in a verifiable statement, the choice of receiving compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay. Sets forth special rules relating to public employees. Prohibits employer coercion of employees for the purpose of: (1) interfering with their right to choose whether to request compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay; or (2) requiring them to use compensatory time. Requires an employee to have worked at least 1,000 hours of continuous employment with the employer in the 12 months before the date of agreement or receipt of compensatory time off. Limits to not more than 160 hours the amount of compensatory time an employee may accrue. Requires payment of compensation at the prescribed regular rate for: (1) compensatory time accrued but not used in a calendar year or other designated 12-month period; and (2) unused compensatory time upon termination of employment. Allows an employer to provide monetary compensation at any time after giving the employee at least 30 days notice, at the prescribed regular rate, for an employee's unused compensatory time in excess of 80 hours. Allows an employee to request in writing that monetary compensation be provided at the prescribed regular rate, at any time, for all compensatory time accrued and not yet used. Requires employers to permit employees to use compensatory time within a reasonable period after employees request its use, if such use does not unduly disrupt employers' operations. Makes private employers who violate specified provisions of this Act liable to the employee affected in the amount of the rate of compensation for each hour of compensatory time accrued by the employee, and in an additional equal amount as liquidated damages reduced by the amount of such rate of compensation for each hour of compensatory time used by such employee. Sunsets this Act five years after its enactment.

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Bill titles: To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide compensatory time for employees in the private sector.

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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