110th Congress > House > Vote 812

Date: 2007-08-03

Result: 421-0 (Passed)

Clerk session vote number: 819

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: HR3311

Question: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended

Description: To authorize additional funds for emergency repairs and reconstruction of the Interstate I-35 bridge located in Minneapolis, MN, that collapsed on Aug. 1, 2007, to waive the $100,000,000 limitation on emergency relief funds for those emergency repairs and reconstruction

Bill summary: Authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to carry out a project for the repair and reconstruction of the Interstate I-35 bridge located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that collapsed on August 1, 2007. Makes the federal share of the project cost 100%. Authorizes appropriations. Waives, for such project, the $100 million per state single-failure (or, single-disaster) highway-related total obligation limitation. Amends the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy (...show more) for Users to authorize the Secretary to: (1) use such single-failure (or, single-disaster) highway-related funds for the repair and reconstruction of the Interstate I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that collapsed on August 1, 2007; and (2) use no more than $5 million of funds made available for FY2007 for Federal Transit Administration Discretionary Programs, Bus and Bus Facilities (without any local matching funds requirement) to reimburse the Minnesota state department of transportation for actual and necessary costs of maintenance and operation (less the amount of fares earned) for providing temporary substitute highway traffic service following the collapse of the Interstate I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on August 1, 2007, until highway traffic service is restored on such bridge. Makes the federal share of the project cost 100%.

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Bill titles: To authorize additional funds for emergency repairs and reconstruction of the Interstate I-35 bridge located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that collapsed on August 1, 2007, to waive the $100,000,000 limitation on emergency relief funds for those emergency repairs and reconstruction, and for other purposes.

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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