95th Congress > Senate > Vote 372

Date: 1977-09-13

Result: 78-4

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Regulation Special Interest

Bill number: S2057

Description: TO PASS S. 2057.

Bill summary: National Energy Conservation Policy Act -- Title I: Energy Conservation Programs for Existing Residential Buildings -- Directs the Federal Energy Administrator to establish procedures for the submission, approval, and implementation of residential energy conservation plans by State utility regulatory authorities. Prescribes energy conservation measures to be included in such plans. Establishes criteria governing programs to be carried out by public utilities as part of such energy (...show more) conservation plans. Authorizes exemptions from such requirements where alternative programs will be implemented. Authorizes the Administrator to implement and enforce a Federal plan in the event of inadequate State action. Amends the National Housing Act to direct the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to prescribe an actuarially sound premium rate for loans for energy conserving improvements. Amends the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act and the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act to include loans or credits for energy conservation purposes within the scope of such programs. Authorizes additional appropriations for the weatherization assistance program administered by the Federal Energy Administrator under the Energy Conservation and Production Act. Amends the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act to direct the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to direct the Association to make and insure loans for qualified residential energy conservation measures. Authorizes the Secretary to make loans to individuals and families to assist in the purchase and installation of qualified solar heating or cooling equipment. Authorizes the appropriation of $100,000,000 in fiscal year 1978 for such program. Directs the Energy Research and Development Administration to review solar heating and cooling systems from a technical and cost effectiveness standpoint. Amends the Energy Conservation and Production Act to authorize appropriations for new building performance standard grants by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for fiscal years 1978 and 1979. Title II: Energy Efficiency Standards for Consumer Products -- Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to direct the Federal Energy Administrator to establish energy efficiency standards for specified household appliances. Stipulates that such standards shall reflect the maximum improvement in energy efficiency which is technologically and economically feasible. Authorizes additional appropriations to the Administrator through fiscal year 1982 to carry out such functions. Title III: Federal Energy Initiatives -- Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to authorize the Federal Energy Administrator to provide for a van pooling program for Federal officers and employees. Authorizes appropriations for each of five fiscal years through fiscal year 1982 for such purposes. Directs the Administrator of General Services to establish a program designed to utilize energy conserving measures in Federal buildings. Requires evaluation to determine the life cycle cost-effectiveness of such measures. Directs the Administrator to establish energy conservation goals for such program. Requires that all Federal buildings achieve maximum energy efficiency goals by 1990. Authorizes the appropriation of $2,000,000 in fiscal year 1978 for the administration of such program. Directs the Federal Energy Administrator to establish a program to demonstrate solar heating and cooling technology in Federal buildings. Establishes criteria governing the submission of proposals by the various Federal agencies for approval by the Administrator. Authorizes the appropriation of $100,000,000 through fiscal year 1980 for such program. Federal Photovoltaic Utilization Act -- Establishes a photovoltaic energy commercialization program for the accelerated procurement of photovoltaic solar electric systems in new and existing Federal facilities. Authorizes the Federal Energy Administrator to make contracts for the acquisition of such photovoltaic systems to meet target levels specified in the Act. Directs the Administrator, together with the Administrator of the Energy Research and Development Administration, to jointly establish a photovoltaic systems evaluation and purchase program designed to insure that such systems reflect the most advanced technology. Establishes an advisory committee to assist in the establishment and conduct of the program. Authorizes the appropriation of $98,000,000 for fiscal years 1979 through 1981 to carry out such program. Declares it the policy of Congress that all vehicles purchased by the Federal Government after fiscal year 1978 be equipped with passive restraint devices. Directs the Federal Energy Administrator to prescribe standards governing installation of such systems. Title IV: Additional Energy Conservation Programs -- Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to direct the Federal Energy Administrator to prescribe energy efficiency standards for classes of industrial equipment. Requires mandatory labeling of industrial equipment subject to such standards. Imposes civil penalties for violations of such requirements. Authorizes appropriations for each of fiscal years 1978 through 1980 to carry out such program. Amends the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act to increase the maximum amount of civil penalties for violations of the fuel economy standards imposed by such Act. Specifies minimum fuel economy standards for automobiles manufactured model in years 1980 and thereafter. Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to authorize additions for State energy conservation programs for fiscal years 1979 and 1980.

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Bill titles: A bill to establish a comprehensive national energy conservation policy.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 123-141, p. 14778;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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