103rd Congress > Senate > Vote 212

Date: 1993-07-23

Result: 85-7 (Bill Passed)

Clerk session vote number: 212

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Internal Organization

Bill number: HR2348

Question: On Passage of the Bill

Description: A bill making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.

Bill summary: Title I: Congressional Operations Title II: Other Agencies Title III: General Provisions Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1994 - Title I: Congressional Operations - Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1994 - Appropriates funds for FY 1994 for the operation of the Senate. Rescinds certain funds appropriated for the committees of the House of Representatives. Appropriates funds for FY 1994 for the operation of the House of Representatives and for joint items between the House (...show more) and the Senate. (Sec. 101A) Imposes a five-year limitation on expenses and staff allowances of former Speakers of the House of Representatives. Makes FY 1994 appropriations for: (1) the Office of Technology Assessment; (2) the Congressional Budget Office; (3) the Architect of the Capitol; (4) the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress; and (5) congressional printing and binding of the Government Printing Office. Title II: Other Agencies - Appropriates FY 1994 funds for the salaries and expenses of the Botanic Garden, the Library of Congress (with administrative limitations), the Copyright Royalty Tribunal, the Government Printing Office, and the General Accounting Office. Appropriates funds to the Architect of the Capitol for maintenance of Library of Congress buildings and grounds. Title III: General Provisions - Limits the uses of funds under this Act. (Sec. 306) Allows the General Accounting Office, the Government Printing Office, or the Library of Congress to authorize a payment to employees who voluntarily separate before January 1, 1994, whether by retirement or resignation. (Sec. 307) Requires entities of the legislative branch to reduce full-time employee positions by four percent from the level as of September 30, 1992. Requires ten percent of positions eliminated to be positions equal to or greater than GS-14. (Sec. 308) Requires the legislative branch budget for FY 1993 through 1997 to include a separate category for administrative expenses of each legislative entity. Requires the FY 1994 through 1997 budgets to include reductions from the calculations for FY 1993 administrative expenses, adjusted for inflation. (Sec. 309) Authorizes Federal retirement credit for employees with certain prior service with the House of Representatives Child Care Center. (Sec. 311) Directs the Committee on House Administration to transfer to the Clerk of the House of Representatives responsibility for all financial activities of legislative service organizations. (Sec. 312) Prohibits the use of funds in this Act to relocate the office of any Member within the House office buildings. (Sec. 313) Requires a transfer of funds as necessary for the replacement of the Thomas Jefferson Library of Congress Building roof. (Sec. 314) Extends the authority to purchase and replace works of art in the Senate wing of the United States Capitol or in any Senate Office Building. (Sec. 315) Increases the amount of a claim that prompts an investigation by the Comptroller General concerning waiver by the Secretary of the Senate of claims arising out of erroneous payments to the Vice President, a Senator, or a Senate employee paid by the Secretary of the Senate. (Sec. 316) Directs the Librarian of Congress to assist the University of Nevada in the establishment of the Great Basin Intergovernmental Center.

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Bill titles: Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.; Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1994

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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