Key Vote 103rd Congress > Senate > Vote 314

Date: 1993-10-15

Result: 76-23 (Amendment Agreed to)

Clerk session vote number: 314

Vote Subject Matter: Foreign and Defense Policy / Defense Policy Budget

Bill number: HR3116

Question: On the Amendment

Description: To provide funding for the involvement of the United States Armed Forces in Somalia through March 31, 1994, unless the President requests and the Congress authorizes an extension of that date.

Bill summary: TABLE OF CONTENTS: Title I: Military Personnel Title II: Operation and Maintenance Title III: Procurement Title IV: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Title V: Revolving and Management Funds Title VI: Other Department of Defense Programs Title VII: Related Agencies Title VIII: General Provisions Title IX: (Untitled) Title X: (Untitled) Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1994 - Title I: Military Personnel - Appropriates funds for FY 1994 for military and reserve ( more) personnel in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force and for National Guard personnel in the Army and Air Force. Title II: Operation and Maintenance - Appropriates funds for FY 1994 for the operation and maintenance of the Army, Navy, Air Force (including a transfer of funds in each case), and the Marine Corps, the defense agencies, the respective reserve components, and the Army and Air National Guards. Appropriates funds for the Army's National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, the Court of Military Appeals, environmental restoration (including a transfer of funds), support for the 1996 Olympic Games and World Cup USA 1994, transportation of humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan, the Kurdish and other minorities of northern Iraq, sub-Saharan Africa, and assistance to the republics of the former Soviet Union for the elimination of nuclear, chemical, and other weapons, demilitarization, conversion, and retraining. Title III: Procurement - Appropriates funds for FY 1994 for the procurement by the armed forces and reserve counterparts of aircraft, missiles, weapons, tracked combat vehicles, ammunition, shipbuilding and conversion (excluding the carrier replacement program and including the DDG-51 destroyer program), and National Guard and reserve equipment, for other procurement, and for activities under the Defense Production Act of 1950. Prohibits the obligation or expenditure of specified weapons procurement funds by the Navy for the procurement of Trident II missiles until the President certifies that detubing for eliminating SLBM launchers under START II: (1) is not in the national interest; or (2) has been rejected by the other signatories to the START treaty. Title IV: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - Appropriates funds for FY 1994 for research, development, test, and evaluation by the armed forces and defense agencies. Appropriates funds for the Directors of Test and Evaluation and Operational Test and Evaluation. Title V: Revolving and Management Funds - Appropriates funds for: (1) the Defense Business Operations Fund; and (2) programs under the National Defense Sealift Fund. Title VI: Other Department of Defense Programs - Appropriates funds for: (1) DOD medical and health care programs; (2) the destruction of lethal chemical agents and munitions; (3) drug interdiction and counter-drug activities, defense (including a transfer of funds); and (4) expenses and activities of the Office of Inspector General in carrying out the Inspector General Act of 1978. Title VII: Related Agencies - Appropriates funds for: (1) the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund; and (2) expenses of the Community Management Staff. Provides funding from the National Security Education Trust Fund for national security scholarships, fellowships, and grants under the National Security Education Act of 1991. Title VIII: General Provisions - Specifies authorized, restricted, and prohibited uses of appropriated funds. (Sec. 8012) Earmarks appropriated DOD operation and maintenance funds for certain humanitarian and civic assistance costs. (Sec. 8014) Prohibits during FY 1994 the management of DOD civilian personnel by end strength. (Sec. 8014A) Prohibits DOD from using funds made available under this Act to exceed 131,250 civilian work years outside the United States. (Sec. 8025) Requires the Secretary to submit to the Congress a plan to implement a nationwide managed health care program for the military health services system. (Sec. 8056) Establishes the National Drug Intelligence Center to coordinate and consolidate drug intelligence from all national security and law enforcement agencies. (Sec. 8059) Sets forth Buy American Requirements with respect to procurement of: (1) Multibeam Sonar Mapping Systems; (2) carbon, alloy, armor steel plate, with case-by-case authorized waivers; and (3) aircraft fuel cells. (Sec. 8060) Authorizes: (1) DOD to develop and procure the LANDSAT 7 vehicle; and (2) the Secretary to accept defense burden sharing contributions from Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Kuwait. (Sec. 8070) Earmarks fund for the cleanup of uncontrolled hazardous waste contaimination affecting the sale of certain real property at Hamilton Air Force Base, California. (Sec. 8073) Authorizes the payment of voluntary separation incentive payments to military personnel. (Sec. 8075A) Prohibits the use of appropriated funds: (1) for studies concerning the removal and transportation of chemical weapons from the eight U.S. chemical weapon storage sites, as well as studies on possible future uses of such sites; (2) for travel or other support costs of the Tailhook Association; (3) to establish or support any organic depot maintenance support activity for the B-2 bomber until the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, reports to the Congress the most efficient and cost effective utilization of public and private facilities to support the B-2; (4) for the joint DOD/Department of Energy Safeguard C nuclear testing program; and (5) to pay compensation to National Foreign Intelligence Program Personnel exceeding 96 percent of such personnel serving such program at the end of FY 1992. (Sec. 8080) Requires the Director of the Air National Guard to operate a Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence planning office. (Sec. 8083) Authorizes U.S. naval shipyards to participate in any manufacturing extension program financed by funds appropriated in this or any other Act. (Sec. 8094A) Earmarks funds to the Administration for Native Americans for the mitigation of environmental impacts on Indian lands caused by DOD activities. (Sec. 8111) Appropriates funds for a 2.2 percent pay raise for uniformed members of the Coast Guard. (Sec. 8115) Directs the Secretary of the Navy to carry out the establishment of the Mine Warfare Center of Excellence at the naval station at Ingleside, Texas. (Sec. 8120) Provides for transfers of funds for the following programs, among others: (1) the SSN-688 attack submarine; (2) the CVN nuclear aircraft carrier; (3) the TRIDENT ballistic missile submarine; (4) the SSN-21 attack submarine; (5) the DDG-51 destroyer; (6) the MHC coastal mine hunter; (7) the MCM mine countermeasures program; and (8) the T-AGOS surveillance ship program. (Sec. 8120A) Repeals provisions requiring $55.5 million to be available only for the Space Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Program. (Sec. 8126) Prohibits a DOD entity from expending funds appropriated in this Act unless it complies with the Buy American Act. (Sec. 8135) Rescinds specified funds previously provided in DOD appropriations Acts. (Sec. 8136) Directs the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition to submit to the defense committees the results of a study of options for accomplishing the functions now performed by the Defense Nuclear Agency. (Sec. 8146) Expresses the sense of the Congress that no funds made available under this Act should be: (1) available for deploying U.S. armed forces to participate in the implementation of a peace settlement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, unless previously authorized by the Congress; or (2) obligated or expended for U.S. military operations in Haiti, except under specified conditions. (Sec. 8151) Approves the use of the U.S. armed forces in Somalia for: (1) the protection of U.S. personnel and bases; and (2) assistance in securing open lines of communication for the free flow of supplies and relief operations. Calls for the humane treatment and safe return of U.S. military personnel captured in Somalia. Earmarks funds for payment to non-U.S.-government entities for logistical support of Somalia operations. (Sec. 8153) Expresses the sense of the Congress that no funds appropriated by this Act should be expended for costs of the U.S. armed forces serving in any international peacekeeping operation under the authority of the United Nations unless specified congressional consultation requirements are met. Title IX - Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) U.S. armed forces must be under the operational control of qualified commanders; and (2) the President should consult with the Congress before placing combat forces under the operations control of foreign commanders (except in limited circumstances) and report to the Congress within 48 hours afterward. Title X - Directs the Secretary of the Navy to transfer to Hawaii all rights and interest to Kaho'olawe Island, Hawaii, requiring the removal of ordnance and certain restoration and remediation activities by the Secretary before such transfer. Establishes the Kaho'olawe Island Conveyance, Remediation, and Environmental Restoration Fund in the Treasury and authorizes appropriations to the Fund. Authorizes the Secretary to provide funds to Hawaii for long-term planning and environmental restoration activities on the Island and its adjacent waters.

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Bill titles: Making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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