93rd Congress > House > Vote 768

Date: 1974-06-25

Result: 287-104

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget Special Interest

Sponsor: GROSS, Harold Royce (R-IA)

Bill number: HR1544


Bill summary: Veterans Medical Care Act - Title I: Amendments to Chapter 17 of Title 38, United States Code - Hospital, Domiciliary, and Medical Care - Authorizes the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to furnish hospital care to the wife or child of a person who has a total disability, permanent in nature, resulting from a service connected disability or to the widow or child of a person who has died as the result of a service-connected disability to the extent that such care does not interfere with (...show more) furnishing hospital and domiciliary care to veterans themselves. Authorizes the Administrator to furnish medical services on an outpatient or ambulatory basis where such services are in preparation for or obviate the need of hospital admission, are necessary to complete treatment incident to hospital care, or when a veteran has a total and permanent service-connected disability. Allows the Administrator to transfer to public or private institutions any person who upon discharge from any Armed Forces hospital will become a veteran (as well as any veteran who has been furnished care in a hopital under the direct and exclusive jurisdicton of the Administrator). Authorizes the Administrator to reimburse veterans for loss of personal effects substained by natural disaster, as well as by fire, while such effects were stored in an Administration hospital. Authorizes the Administrator to reimburse beneficiaries entitled to hospital care or medical services for the reasonable value of such care or services provided by sources other than the Administrator, where such aid was rendered in an emergency, Veterans Administration facilities were not available, or where such treatment was in connection with any course of training or rehabilitation which would have been interrupted by a transfer to Administration facilities. Title II: Improvements in the Operation and Personnel Practices of the Department of Medicine and Surgery - Authorizes the Administrator, to the extent feasible without interfering with the treatment of veterans, to carry out a training and education program for personnel in the Department of Medicine and Surgery. Authorizes two additional Assistant Chief Medical Directors and requires that two of the Assistant Chief Medical Directors shall be qualified in the administration of health services and not doctors of medicine or dentistry. Authorizes the Administrator to appoint a Director of Pharmacy Service, and a Chief Optemotrist. Revises the pay schedule for medical personnel and makes provisions for additional compensation to nursing personnel. Forbids medical personnel to engage in outside practice except under designated conditions. Authorizes the Administrator to make temporary appointments not to exceed one year (rather than 90 days). Authorizes the Administrator to hold harmless or provide liability insurance for any person assigned to a foreign country or acting under any other circumstances which would preclude the remedies of an injured third person against the United States. Allows the Administrator to enter into contracts to provide medical specialist services at Administration facilities. Title III: Amendments to Chapter 81 of Title 38, United States Code - Acquisition and Operation of Hospital and Domiciliary Facilities; Procurement and Supply - Authorizes leases to any public or non-profit organization without regard to the usual advertising requirement. Allows the maintenance, protection, and restoration by the lessee of the property leased to be part of all of the consideration for the lease. Authorizes the Administrator to cooperate and coordinate with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in heart disease and cancer programs. Title IV: Amendment to Chapter 3 of Title 38, United States Code - Veterans Administration; Offices and Employees - Authorizes the Administrator to pay for official telephone service for nonmedical directors of centers, hospitals, independent clinics, and domiciliaries. Title V: Applicability of Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 - Makes the Act subject to the Economic Stabilization Act to the degree deemed applicable by the President or his designee.

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Bill titles: A bill to amend title 38 of the United States Code, to provide improved medical care to veterans; to provide hospital and medical care to certain dependents and survivors of veterans; to improve recruitment and retention of career personnel in the Department of Medicine and Surgery.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 120-93, p. H5677;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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