97th Congress > House > Vote 657

Date: 1982-09-15

Result: 350-33

Vote Subject Matter: Government Management / Budget Special Interest

Sponsor: JONES, Walter Beaman, Sr. (D-NC)

Bill number: HR4374


Bill summary: (Measure passed House, amended, roll call #321 (350-33)) Shipping Act of 1982 - Lists the kinds of agreements among ocean common carriers to which this Act applies. Requires that a copy of every agreement entered into with respect to specified activities shall be filed with the Federal Maritime Commission, except transportation performance agreements within or between foreign countries. Sets forth required contents of conference, interconference, and assessment agreements, and conferences (...show more) utilizing loyalty contracts. Describes criteria by which the Commission shall approve, modify, or reject such agreements. Authorizes a conference or ocean common carrier engaged in foreign commerce to utilize loyalty contracts and intermodal loyalty contracts according to certain requirements. Exempts specified agreements, contracts, and activities from the antitrust laws of the United States. Directs ocean common carriers to file with the Commission, and keep open to public inspection, tariffs showing all rates between all points on each carrier's routes. Sets forth procedures for rate changes and refunds of rate charges. Authorizes the use of time/volume rates. Authorizes ocean common carriers or conferences to enter into service contracts with individual shippers. Prohibits a controlled carrier from maintaining rates in its tariffs that are below a level that is just and reasonable. Describes standards by which such rates shall be approved or disapproved. Provides for Presidential review of any order of suspension or final order of disapproval of rates of a controlled carrier. Exempts specified carriers from the provisions of this Act. Prohibits and restricts certain acts by ocean common carriers, including: (1) rebating or refunding any portion of rates except in accordance with a tariff; (2) charging rates that are unreasonably low; (3) making unfair or unjustly discriminatory contracts with shippers; or (4) forming joint ventures to substantially reduce competition. Authorizes any person to file with the Commission a complaint alleging a violation of this Act. Describes procedures for the investigation and adjudication of such complaints. Assesses civil penalties for violations of this Act. Authorizes the Commission to initiate investigations of conduct pursuant to pooling agreements and to bring suit in district courts of the United States to enjoin conduct in violation of this Act. Makes provisions concerning orders of the Commission relating to violations of this Act or regulations hereunder. Empowers the Commission to require reports and certificates from persons or entities governed by provisions of such Act. Permits the Commission to exempt any specified activity or class of agreements between ocean common carriers or other persons subject to this Act from the requirements of this Act. Establishes the Commission on the Deregulation of International Ocean Shipping to study and recommend options for deregulating the maritime industry. Requires the Commission within one year of its first meeting to submit a final report to the President and Congress on the results of its study. Terminates the Commission 60 days after its final report.

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Bill titles: A bill to improve the international ocean commerce transportation system of the United States.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 122, p. 6987;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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