102nd Congress > House > Vote 285

Date: 1991-10-09

Result: 420-6 (Passed)

Clerk session vote number: 298

Vote Subject Matter: Social Welfare / Domestic Social Policy

Bill number: HR3033

Question: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass


Bill summary: Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992 - Title I: Job Training Partnership Requirements - Subtitle A: General Provisions - Amends the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) to revise and extend employment and training assistance programs. Declares it to be the policy of the United States to: (1) provide financial assistance to States and local service delivery areas (SDAs) to meet the training needs of low-income adults and youth and assist them in obtaining unsubsidized employment; (2) (...show more) increase funds availabe for programs of training services for the disadvantaged by at least ten percent of the baseline each fiscal year to provide for growth in the number of eligible adults and youth served beyond the current five percent of the eligible population in need of these services; and (3) encourage provision of longer and more comprehensive education, training, and employment services to the eligible population, with increased funding to maintain current service levels. Amends the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) to authorize appropriations for FY 1993 and succeeding fiscal years. Requires that both part A (Adult Training Program) and part C (Youth Training Program) of title II (Training Services for the Disadvantaged) of JTPA each receive at least 40 percent of the combined funds for such parts A and C. Defines "basic skills deficient" as reading or computing skills at or below 8th grade level. Adds the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, the Center for Employment Training, literacy organizations, organizations serving older workers and organizations that provide service opportunities and youth corps programs to the list of community-based organizations. Strikes from such list the National Urban Indian Council. Revises the definition of "economically disadvantaged" to: (1) refer to the official poverty line, as defined by the Office of Management and Budget; and (2) include those determined eligible for, even if not receiving, food stamps during the six-month period prior to the application. Revises the definition of "supportive services" to include: (1) drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral; (2) individual and family counseling; (3) financial assistance (except post-termination); (4) dependent care; and (5) job coaches. Subtitle B: Service Delivery System - Includes as exceptions to the two-year limit on frequency of Governor's redesignations of service delivery areas (SDAs): (1) failure to meet performance standards; and (2) failure to take corrective action for a substantial violation of JTPA or related regulations. Includes representatives of public assistance agencies on private industry councils (PICs) under JTPA. Revises other provisions for PIC membership. Requires that representatives of organized labor and community-based organizations constitute at least 15 percent of PIC membership. Sets forth selection procedures for education representatives and labor representatives on the PIC. Applies the requirement for a job training plan to training services for the disadvantaged only. Revises requirements for the contents of such plans to provide for linkages with appropriate agencies and for outreach to recruit locally determined target groups. Adds requirements for procedures for selecting service providers. Requires service delivery area (SDA) job training plans to include: (1) goals for the training of women in nontraditional employment and the training-related placement of women in nontraditional employment and apprenticeship; (2) a description of efforts to be undertaken to accomplish such goals, including efforts to increase awareness of such training and placement opportunities; and (3) procedures for annual reporting of the extent to which the SDA has met such goals and of a statistical breakdown of women trained and placed in nontraditional occupations, including specified types of information. Adds community-based organizations to those entities reviewing such job training plans. Revises requirements for training services for the disadvantaged performance standards to: (1) promote delivery of services to the hard-to-serve; and (2) add measurement of increased basic education attainment and occupational skills (as well as the current measurement of increased employment and earnings and reduced welfare dependency). Provides for the following additional factors in performance standards for youth programs: (1) attainment of employability competencies; (2) dropout prevention and recovery; (3) secondary and postsecondary school completion or its equivalent; and (4) enrollment in other education, training, or employment programs or apprenticeship, or enlistment in the Armed Forces. Allows variations in standards to reflect differences between in-school and out-of-school programs. Requires the private industry council to determine levels for competency standards based on such factors as entry skill levels and other hiring requirements. Sets forth additional elements of performance standards. Retains the requirement that the Secretary prescribe performance measures, but states that such standards shall not be taken into consideration in the award of incentive grants. Provides that Governor's incentive grant awards shall be to service delivery areas (SDAs) conducting adult and youth programs which: (1) exceed specified performance standards established by the Secretary; (2) serve more than a specified minimum percentage of out-of-school youth; (3) exceed performance standards for hard-to-serve populations; (4) place participants in employment providing wages at placement exceeding the appropriate performance criteria, as well as employer-assisted employment benefits (including health benefits); and (5) exceed specified performance standards established by the Governor. Retains the requirement for the Secretary to prescribe performance standards for dislocated workers employment and training assistance based on placement and retention in unsubsidized employment. Retains the requirement that such standards make appropriate allowance for the difference in cost resulting from serving workers receiving certain needs-related payments. Directs (currently simply authorizes) Governors to prescribe, within certain parameters, variations in performance standards for training services for the disadvantaged and for dislocated workers employment and training assistance. Authorizes Governors to prescribe additional performance standards for these programs, which must be reported in the coordination and special services plan. Directs the Secretary to prescribe a system for adjustments in JTPA performance standards for special populations to be served. (Current law requires prescription of such variations, but without system.) Authorizes the Secretary to modify JTPA performance standards not more often than once every two program years (except that Job Corps standards may be modified each program year). Prohibits such modifications from being retroactive. Directs the National Commission on Employment Policy to: (1) advise the Secretary in development of performance standards to measure results of participation in job training and development of parameters for variations of such standards; and (2) evaluate such standards' usefulness and their impact on the choice of recipients, types, and costs of services in SDAs. Sets forth required responses to SDA failure to meet performance standards, including a process for correction. Directs the Secretary to establish uniform criteria for determining: (1) SDA failures to meet standards; and (2) circumstances under which remedial action shall be taken. Requires each State Governor to provide technical assistance to SDAs failing to meet the performance standards. Requires the Governor, if an SDA continues to fail to meet performance standards for two program years, to impose a reorganization plan. Allows the alternative administrative entity under such reorganization plan to be a newly formed private industry council or any jointly selected by the Governor and the chief elected official of the largest local government in the SDA or substate area. Allows SDAs to appeal to the Secretary for revision of such reorganization plans. Directs the Secretary, if the Governor does not impose a reorganization plan within a specified period, to impose such a plan on the SDA and to recapture or withhold a portion of State funds to provide technical assistance under such plan. Provides for appeals by: (1) SDAs subject to such plans; and (2) Governors of States subject to such recapture or withholding of funds. Defines "employment, "for purposes of JTPA performance standards, as employment for more than 20 hours per week. Requires SDAs, in selecting service providers, to consider provision of support services, including child care. Requires selection of service providers to be made on a competitive basis and to include: (1) a determination of such provider's ability to meet program design specifications that take into account JTPA's purposes and the goals established in the Governor's coordination and special services plan; and (2) documentation of compliance with procurement standards established by the Secretary, including the reasons for selection. Revises limitations on certain costs for specified programs, including general administrative costs, combined administration and support services costs, and training related services costs. Prohibits duplication of supportive services which are available free to participants through other services. Provides for recapture and reallotment of unobligated funds for training services for the disadvantaged. Subtitle C: Additional State Responsibilities - Revises requirements for the Governor's coordination and special services plans to include descriptions of State coordination measures and projected grants uses. Revises provisions for State education coordination and grants. Includes under authorized projects statewide coordinated approaches to train, place, and retain women in nontraditional employment. Requires the State Governor's coordination and special services plan to include such goals to be achieved and services to be provided by such programs for the training and placement and retention of women in nontraditional employment. Eliminates certain provisions for training programs for older workers. Requires identification of any State- or SDA-imposed rule, regulation, policy, or performance standard relating to administration and operation of programs funded by JTPA. Requires State labor market information programs to include training and technical assistance to support comprehensive career guidance and participant activities for local programs assisted under JTPA. Subtitle D: Program Requirements for Service Delivery System - Revises general program requirements for service delivery systems. Prohibits funds from being used or proposed for use to encourage or induce the relocation of establishments, or parts thereof, that results in a loss of employment for any employee at the original location. Exempts normal tuition charges for training or education from certain requirements for a breakdown of cost components. Exempts from specified cost limitations certain administrative expenses related to training incurred by community-based organizations or nonprofit organizations. Requires placements made in unsubsidized employment to be in job areas related to the training provided to the participant. Adds provisions for SDA agreements or contracts with other SDAs to pay or share the cost of educating, training, or placing individuals participating in JTPA programs. Requires such agreements or contracts to be: (1) approved by each PIC providing guidance to the SDA; and (2) described in the job training plan. Limits the duration of on-the-job training to a period not in excess of that generally required for acquisition of skills needed for that position, but never exceeding six months, unless the total number of hours of such training is less than 500 hours. Requires on-the-job contracts to: (1) specify types and duration of training and other services; and (2) if an intermediary brokering contractor is used for placements, specify certain additional services and factors. Revises provisions relating to disposal of program income. Prohibits JTPA funds from being used for employment generating activities, economic development activities, revolving loan funds, capitalization of businesses, contract bidding resource centers, and similar activities that do not result in the direct creation of jobs into which program participants are placed. Prohibits the use for foreign travel of funds for: (1) training services for the disadvantaged; or (2) employment and training assistance for dislocated workers. Revises JTPA trainee benefits provisions' references to certain minimum wage exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 as these may apply to individuals in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and other territories. Sets a deadline for employer or labor organization responses to requests for concurrence with respect to proposed program activities that affect a collective bargaining agreement. Adds to grievance procedures one for those alleging displacement from employment in violation of specified JTPA provisions. Subtitle E: Federal and Fiscal Administrative Provisions - Revises certain Federal and fiscal administrative provisions. Allows the use of certain advance payment methods when contracting with nonprofit organizations of demonstrated effectiveness. Requires States to establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures to ensure proper disbursal and accounting of Federal funds. Requires the Secretary to establish cost principles and minimum requirements for procurement standards for State, local areas, and SDAs to ensure that specified criteria are met. Requires the Governor to establish such procurement standards in accordance with the minimum requirements established by the Secretary. Requires State Governors to: (1) conduct annual on-site monitoring of each SDA and substate area to ensure compliance with such procurement standards; (2) impose corrective action to secure prompt compliance; (3) impose specified sanctions in the event of failure to take required corrective action; and (4) certify annually the State's implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of such standards. Directs the Secretary, upon determination that the Governor has not fulfilled such requirements, to impose such corrective actions and sanctions. Directs the Secretary to review the implementation of these requirements and report with recommendations to the Congress on the effectiveness of such fiscal controls provisions. Requires State Governors, upon determination that there is a substantial violation of JTPA and that corrective action has not been taken, to: (1) issue a notice of intent to revoke approval of all or part of the affected plan; or (2) impose a reorganization plan. Allows the Governor's actions to be appealed to the Secretary. Directs the Secretary to take such actions if the Governor fails to do so promptly. Revises reporting, recordkeeping and investigative requirements. Requires recipients to maintain and provide to the Secretary standardized records of a sufficient number of individual participants to provide an adequate sample size to allow for preparation of natural estimates to meet specified requirements. Requires the Secretary, Inspector General, or Comptroller General to furnish States or SDAs which are going to be investigated with the monitoring guides to be used by reviewers (for audits other than the initial survey or one investigating possible criminal or fraudulent conduct). Requires States, administrative entities conducting the programs, and recipients (other than sub-recipients) to monitor the performance of service providers in complying with the agreements under JTPA. Revises requirements for information in reports. Directs the Secretary to ensure that all elements required for reports are defined and reported uniformly. Requires Governors to ensure that requirements are established for retention of records for specified periods. Requires each substate grantee and SDA to submit quarterly financial reports to the Governor. Requires States to submit quarterly summaries of such reports to the Secretary. Requires each State, substate grantee, and SDA to maintain records with respect to program income or profits earned and program costs. Directs the Secretary to: (1) conduct a biennial study on the provision of supportive services under JTPA title II programs, identifying specified factors; and (2) report the results of each such study to the Congress. Requires the head of the Directorate for Civil Rights in the Department of Labor to report annually on the administration and enforcement of nondiscrimination provisions. Authorizes appropriations to increase the number of Directorate personnel in order to prepare such reports. Revises provisions relating to utilization of services and facilities. Title II: Training Services for the Disadvantaged - Revises JTPA title II provisions for training services for the disadvantaged. (Divides JTPA title II into: (1) part A, Adult Training Program; (2) part B, Summer Youth Employment and Training Programs; and (3) part C, Youth Training Program.) Revises title II part A adult program allotment provisions to establish State set-asides for education, performance incentives, and auditing and administration. Excludes college students and Armed Forces members from the determination of number of economically disadvantaged adults. Uses the number of individuals age 22 through 72 who have specified types of low incomes in such determination, but only for purposes of State allotment formulas. Allows individuals, whether employed or unemployed, to be eligible for adult program services as long as they are adults (age 22 or older) who are economically disadvantaged. Requires that at least 65 percent of program participants in each SDA be individuals who, in addition to being economically disadvantaged adults, are in one or more of the following hard-to-serve categories: (1) basic skills deficient; (2) school dropouts; (3) recipients of cash welfare payments, including recipients under the JOBS Program; (4) offenders; (5) individuals with disabilities; (6) homeless; or (7) in an additional category identified by an SDA and approved by the Governor and transmitted to the Secretary. Retains the current provisions that allows up to ten percent of program participants in an SDA not to be economically disadvantaged if they are in one or more categories of individuals who face serious barriers to employment. Provides that such categories may include the hard-to-serve categories described above or categories such as displaced homemakers, veterans, alcoholics, or addicts. Establishes adult program design requirements, including: (1) assessment of participants' skill levels and service needs (including interests and aptitudes for nontraditional employment); (2) development of service strategies to identify employment goals (including, where appropriate, nontraditional employment), appropriate achievement objectives, and appropriate services; (3) review of participant progress; and (4) if appropriate, basic and occupational skills training and supportive services. (Provides that a new assessment or a new service strategy for a participant is not required in the program determines it is appropriate to use the assessment or service strategy conducted or developed under another education or training program.) Revises authorized services for which adult program funds may be used. Eliminates employment-generating activities from the list of such authorized services. Divides the lists of such services into: (1) direct training; and (2) training-related and supportive services (including outreach for nontraditional employment). Sets forth additional requirements for information and referrals for applicants who meet minimum income eligibility criteria, as well as for assessment and referrals of applicants not meeting such enrollment requirements. Requires that job search, skills training, job club, and work experience be accompanied by other services designed to increase a participant's basic education or occupational skills. Allows an exception from such combination requirement only if: (1) the participant's assessment and service strategy indicate that the additional services are not appropriate; and (2) the activities are not available to the participant through the Employment Service or other public agencies. Allows continued provisions of counseling and supportive services to a participant for up to one year after termination from the program. Requires SDAs to make opportunities available to successful previous participants to volunteer to serve as mentors, tutors, or to otherwise assist current adult program participants. Authorizes States Governors, through agreements with various entities, to provide for job training and placement programs for older individuals (55 years of age or older, and economically disadvantaged) for employment opportunities with private businesses, with such programs to be developed in conjunction with SDAs and consistent with SDA plans. Requires consideration to be given to assisting such programs involving training for jobs in growth industries and jobs reflecting the use of new technological skills. Requires Governors to: (1) coordinate delivery of such services with those under the Older Americans Act; and (2) give priority to service providers with demonstrated effectiveness in providing such services. Allows up to ten percent of participants to be individuals who are not economically disadvantaged, if they are 55 or older, face serious barriers to employment, and meet income eligibility requirements under title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965. Requires SDAs to link with: (1) other specified Federal programs; and (2) State, local, and private programs, as appropriate. Allows an SDA to transfer up to ten percent of adult program funds to the youth programs if such transfer is described in the job training plan and approved by the Governor. Revises title II part B provisions for summer youth employment and training programs to limit administrative costs to 15 percent. Includes enhancement of citizenship skills among program purposes. Requires SDAs to: (1) expend funds for basic and remedial education as described in the State job training plan (but allows such funds to be provided for the year-round youth employment and training program, the Job Corps, the JOBS program, alternative or secondary schools, or other education and training programs); (2) assess participant skill levels and service needs and develop service strategy for participants; and (3) provide follow-up services for participants for whom a service strategy has been developed. Makes economically disadvantaged individuals (or individuals eligible for free meals under the National School Lunch Act during the most recent school year) age 14 through 21 eligible for summer programs. Allows individual concurrent enrollment in such part B summer programs and in part C disadvantaged youth programs. Provides for comparable functions of agencies and officials under such part B summer youth programs as under parts A and C of title II of JTPA. Requires each SDA to establish written program goals and objectives to be used for evaluating the effectiveness of part B summer youth programs. Allows an SDA to transfer up to ten percent of part B summer youth program funds to the year-round part C youth training program if such transfer is approved by the Governor. Sets forth title II part C provisions for the year-round disadvantaged youth programs (the Youth Training Program). Revises allotment formulas to establish set-asides for State education coordination and grants. Revises eligibility requirements for in-school youth and out-of-school youth. Requires that at least 65 percent of the funds for in-school youth and for out-of-school youth, respectively, be used for participation of specified targeted hard-to-serve groups with provisions for additional categories). Requires the youth training program to be conducted on a year-round basis. Establishes year-round program design requirements, including: (1) assessment of participants' skill levels and service needs; (2) development of service strategies to identify achievement objectives, appropriate employment goals, and appropriate services; (3) review of participant progress; and (4) if appropriate, basic skills training, occupational skills training, preemployment and work maturity skills training, work experience combined with skills training, and supportive services. Sets forth additional requirements for information and referrals for applicants who meet enrollment minimum income eligibility criteria, as well as for assessment and referrals of applicants not meeting such enrollment requirements. Provides that authorized youth services may include, but need not be limited to, the services described under the headings of direct training, training-related and supportive services under part A adult program provisions. Provides that additional authorized youth services may include specified features. Sets forth additional requirements relating to: (1) consideration of exemplary program strategies and practices; and (2) participation of school dropouts. Requires that preemployment and work maturity skills training, work experience, job search, job search skills training, and job club activities be accompanied by additional services which: (1) are designed to increase a participant's basic education or occupational skills; and (2) may be provided, sequentially or concurrently, under other education and training programs. Allows continued provision of counseling and supportive services to a participant for up to one year after termination from the program. Requires SDAs to make opportunities available to successful previous participants to volunteer to serve as mentors, tutors, or to otherwise assist current youth program participants. Requires SDAs to establish linkages with the appropriate educational agencies responsible for services to participants. Requires SDAs to link the youth program with: (1) other specified Federal education and training programs; and (2) as appropriate, State, local, and private programs. Allows an SDA to transfer up to ten percent of part C youth program funds to the part A adult program if such transfer is described in the job training plan and is approved by the Governor. Title III: Employment and Training Assistance for Dislocated Workers - Provides, with respect to JTPA title III employment and training assistance for dislocated workers, that an eligible dislocated worker participating in training (except on-the-job training) shall be deemed to be in training with the approval of the State agency for purposes of unemployment compensation. Provides that specified limitations on retraining services, needs-related payments and supportive services, and administrative costs under JTPA title III apply only to part A State Delivery of Services to dislocated workers, and not to part B Federal Responsibilities for certain dislocated worker services and programs. Provides that certain limitations on uses of funds by substate grantees refer to each program year. Allows substate grantees to combine program funds to provide services for eligible dislocated workers from two or more substate areas. Extends through FY 1996 the reservation of at least ten percent of title III part B (Federal programs and services for dislocated workers) funds for demonstration programs. Title IV: Federally Administered Programs - Revises JTPA title IV part A employment and training programs for Native American and migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Revises employment and training programs for Native American and migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Directs the Secretary to: (1) designate a single organizational unit to have as its primary responsibility the administration of all Native American programs authorized under JTPA; and (2) promote recruitment and promotion of Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Hawaiian Natives to position in such unit. Establishes the Native American Employment and Training Council. Amends JTPA title IV part B provisions for the Job Corps. Revises the age limits for participation in the Job Corps to allow not more than 20 percent of the enrollees to be from age 22 through 24. Declares that JTPA allows participants to participate concurrently or sequentially in both the Job Corps and training services for the disadvantaged. Increases from ten to 20 percent the allowable number of nonresidential participants enrolled in the Job Corps in any year. Requires that, in enrolling nonresident participants, priority be given to those eligible individuals who are single parents with dependent children. Prohibits the Secretary from reducing the number of residential participants in Job Corps programs during any program year below the number during 1991 in order to increase the number of nonresidential participants. Prohibits use of Department of Labor funds to contract with a nongovernmental agency to administer or manage a Civilian Conservation Center of the Job Corps on public land. Directs the Secretary, as practicable, to provide child care at or near Job Corps centers for individuals who require such care for their children in order to participate in the Job Corps. Requires each Job Corps center to provide alcohol and drug abuse counseling and referral to participants who need such services. Directs the Secretary to provide all nonprofit Job Corps contractors with an equitable and negotiated management fee of not less than one percent of the contract amount. Revises JTPA title IV part D provisions for national activities. Authorizes the Secretary to make special grants to eligible entities for specified types of national partnership and special training programs. Directs the Secretary to establish a comprehensive program of training and employment research, demonstration, and evaluation. Sets forth specified types of studies, pilot and demonstration programs, and evaluation of job training and other programs, which may be included under such comprehensive program. Directs the Secretary to develop, and ensure implementation of, a national strategy of carrying out the following capacity building, information, dissemination, and replication activities. Directs the Secretary to establish a Capacity Building and Information and Dissemination Network (the Network) to enhance effectiveness and strengthen services provided through the various Federal, State, and local employment and training programs, including programs not authorized under JTPA, as well as JTPA programs. Directs the Secretary to establish and maintain the Network: (1) directly; (2) through an interagency agreement; or (3) through a competitive grant or contract award to a single entity, or a system of entities coordinated by the Secretary, with appropriate expertise. Requires the Network to identify, develop, and disseminate innovative materials and successful program models, and to carry out other specified functions. Allows the Network to charge appropriate tuition or fees to offset costs of institute training, materials acquisition, or information dissemination. Directs the Secretary to consult with the Secretaries of Education and of Health and Human Services to coordinate the activities of the Network with other relevant entities. Directs the Secretary to make competitive grants for replication of successful programs through: (1) public or private nonprofit organizations' technical assistance; and (2) State and SDA planning and program development. Directs the Secretary to consider a review panel's recommendations, in making such grants. Requires coordination of such replication activities with the Network. Authorizes the Secretary to use specified reserved funds to make grants to States for certain management capability activities. Renames specified provisions for demonstration programs as a nontraditional employment demonstration program. Directs the Secretary to provide guidance and technical assistance to States and SDAs relating to documentation of participants' eligibility for training services for the disadvantaged. Directs the Secretaries of Labor, of Education, and of Health and Human Services to identify a core set of consistently defined data elements for employment and training programs. Directs the Secretary of Labor to report to the Congress on recommended data elements and definitions. Revises JTPA title IV part E provisions for the cooperative labor market information program. Directs the Commissioner of Labor Statistics (taking into consideration research conducted by the National Commission for Employment Policy and other entities), in cooperation with the States, to determine appropriate procedures for establishing a nationwide database containing information on the quarterly earnings, establishment and industry affiliation, and geographic location of employment, for all individuals for whom such information is collected by the States. Directs the Secretary to report to the Congress on the costs and benefits of such a database and submit a schedule that would allow for its establishment. Adds the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the list of Federal officials with whom the Secretary is to cooperate in carrying out special Federal responsibilities with respect to labor market information, including: (1) review and coordination of national data systems; (2) standardized national definitions; and (3) aid for State labor and occupational opportunity information systems. Increases the annual amount of funds reserved for the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee. Requires the Committee to give special attention to career development (as well as, currently, to labor market information needs) of youth and adults. Requires the Committee to conduct research and demonstration projects to improve coordination and compatibility of Federal and State human resources data systems, including systems to assist economic development and support States in implementing system improvements (as well as, currently, research and projects to improve occupaitonal and career information systems). Establishes a new part H of JTPA title IV, the Youth Fair Chance program. Authorizes the Secretary to establish such national program of Youth Fair Chance grants to pay at least 70 percent of the cost of comprehensive education, training, and employment services for youth in high poverty areas in urban and rural areas. (Allows up to 20 percent more of such cost to be paid from other Federal sources, and requires at least ten percent to be a non-Federal in-kind contribution.) Requires such grants to be awarded to the local service delivery area (on behalf of the participating community) in which the target area is located (or to designated grantees if the target area is in a migrant or seasonal farmworker community, Indian reservation, or Alaskan native village). Authorizes the Secretary to select as grant recipients up to 25 communities in the first fiscal year the program is authorized. Makes such grants over a three-year period, with each year conditional upon compliance. Authorizes the Secretary to extend the renewal period for an additional two years. Authorizes participating communities to apply for grants for use on behalf of target areas. Requires that a designated target area have not more than 25,000 population (or, in an appropriate case, up to 50,000 population), except in the case of single high school districts. Makes all youth aged 14 through 21(at the time of enrollment) in the target area eligible to participate in assisted programs and activities. Requires each participating community to develop an integrated service delivery system in each target area which meets specified minimum criteria for services. Requires such programs to also have an education component, outreach and recruitment efforts, youth program models, and measurable goals and outcomes. Sets forth requirements for maintenance of State and local funding levels, limitations on the use of program funds, applications, agreements, and Federal and local shares. Requires such Youth Fair Chance program agreements to permit program funds to be used to support paid work experience programs if such programs are combined with other education and training activities. Directs the Secretary to permit a reasonable number of Youth Fair Chance program grant recipients to enter into an agreement to provide a job guarantee program to youths meeting prior school attendance and performance standards. Sets forth requirements for such job guarantee program agreements. Directs the Secretary, in determining which grant recipients to permit to enter such job guarantee program agreements, to target funds to areas with the highest poverty rates. Makes all youth, regardless of income, who reside in an eligible high poverty area eligible to participate in the job guarantee program. Allows grant recipients to raise private funds to augment the grant if such funds are used under grant conditions and not for administration. Directs the Secretary to provide for technical assistance, independent evaluations, and a report (reserving not more than five percent of part H funds for such purposes). Establishes a new microenterprise grants program, as part I of title IV of JTPA. Directs the Secretary to make grants, from a specified funds for FY 1993 through 1997, in limited amounts to not more than ten States per year to implement and enhance community-based microenterprise activities. Requires that such activities be of sufficient size and scope to produce substantial benefits and be of benefit to economically disadvantaged persons. Authorizes use of such grants for staff entry level training, technical assistance, and support programs and counseling. Sets forth application and selection requirements. Requires non-Federal matching funds and State annual reports. Defines microenterprise as a commercial enterprise: (1) with five or fewer employees, one or more of whom owns the enterprise; and (2) each of the owners of which is economically disadvantaged (as defined under JTPA). Establishes the disaster relief employment assistance program, as part J of title IV of JTPA. Provides emergency disaster relief employment assistance for the reconstruction of areas affected by natural disasters. Directs the Secretary to allocate funds for such program in a timely manner to the Governor of any State within which there is an area which has suffered an emergency or major disaster as defined under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974). Requires the Governor to allocate at least 80 percent of such funds to local governments within which such disaster areas, and the remainder for State activities to alleviate the disaster. Requires coordination of State and local governments, disaster relief agencies, and the administrative entities and private industry councils in the SDA within which such disaster employment programs are conducted under JTPA. Sets forth authorized uses of funds for employment on projects for victim assistance and repair of facilities and lands, restricting such employment projects to disaster areas. Makes individuals eligible for disaster employment if they: (1) are eligible under the JTPA title III dislocated worker program (except those actively engaged in a training program) or under the JTPA title IV Native American and migrant and seasonal farmworker programs; and (2) unemployed as a consequence of the disaster. Limits individual employment to not more than six months for work related to recovery from a single natural disaster. Title V: Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals Incentive Bonus Program - Revises provisions for JTPA title V, Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals Incentive Bonus Program. Grants each participating State a bonus for providing job training under JTPA to: (1) absent parents of children receiving aid to families with dependent children (AFDC) under the Social Security Act, who subsequent to such training pay child support; and (2) blind or disabled individuals receiving supplemental security income (SSI) under the Social Security Act, who subsequent to such training are successfully placed in and retain employment. Requires the Secretary to allot any excess funds under such title V incentive bonus program to the States for allocation to SDAs under the adult training program under part A of title II of JTPA. Makes the incentive bonus equal to the total, for up to two years after termination of the individuals from JTPA activities: (1) amounts of such child support paid by such absent parents; and (2) reduction in Federal contribution to the SSI amounts received by such blind or disabled individuals. Revises provisions for State use of such incentive bonus funds. Limits such use for administrative costs to five percent of the total bonus payments to a State during any program year. Allows Job Corps centers (as well as SDAs) to make incentive payments to service providers. Extends to January 1, 1997, the deadline for the Secretary's report to the appropriate congressional committees on evaluation of the effectiveness of the incentive bonus program. Directs the Secretary to issue regulations for such title V program by January 31, 1993. Title VI: State Human Resource Investment Council - Adds a new title VII, State Human Resource Investment Council. Authorizes each State to establish a single State human resource investment council to: (1) review the provision of services and use of funds under applicable Federal human resource programs; (2) advise the Governor on methods of coordinating and using such services, funds, and resources, and on State and local standards and measures relating to such programs; and (3) carry out a State Council's duties and functions as prescribed under specified Federal laws. Authorizes such councils to carry out other specified functions. Sets forth provisions for council composition and administration, and conforming amendments to the other applicable Federal laws. Title VII: Miscellaneous Provisions - Directs the Secretary to issue revised performance standards for the title II part A adult and part C youth programs pursuant to the amendment made by this Act by July 1, 1994. Sets forth transition provisions relating to allotment and allocation, including provisions for interim and permanent training services formulas for the part A adult and part C youth programs under title II, and provisions for summer youth transfers. Sets forth revised definitions. Directs the Secretary to evaluate the impact of programs under title II of JTPA on participant employment, earnings, and welfare dependency in multiple sites, using a random assignment method. Authorizes the Secretary to establish rules and procedures necessary for an orderly transition to programs established by, and implementation of, the amendments made by this Act.

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Bill titles: To amend the Job Training Partnership Act to improve the delivery of services to hard-to-serve youth and adults, and for other purposes.; A bill to amend the Job Training Partnership Act to strengthen the program of employment and training assistance under the Act, and for other purposes.

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


Selected: of from including with NOMINATE scores within . Remove Filter