Key Vote 93rd Congress > Senate > Vote 954

Date: 1974-08-22

Result: 85-0

Vote Subject Matter: Social Welfare / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: HR2


Bill summary: (LATEST SUMMARY) Employee Retirement Income Security Act - =Title I: Protection of Employee Benefit Rights= - Defines the terms used in this Act. Applies this title to any employer or employee organization engaged in commerce or affecting commerce. Requires the administrator of any employee benefit plan to furnish to participants and beneficiaries a summary plan description as defined by this Act. Requires the filing of a plan description and an annual report to the Secretary of Labor with ( more) respect to all employee benefit plans. Requires that each administrator of an employee benefit plan furnish to any plan participant or beneficiary, on request, a statement indicating (1) the total benefits accrued, and (2) the non-forfeitable pension benefits which have accrued, if any. Repeals the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act except that such Act shall continue to apply to any conduct and events which occurred before the effective date of this Act. Sets forth minimum participation standards and minimum vesting standards. Sets forth benefit accrual requirements and joint and survivor annuity requirement. Sets forth minimum funding standards for employee benefit plans. Sets forth criminal penalties for violation of the provisions of this title. =Title II: Amendments to the Internal Revenue Code Relating to Retirement Plans= - Revises the Internal Revenue Code with respect to participation, vesting, and funding of employee retirement plans. Establishes within the Internal Revenue Service an office to be known as the Office of Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations responsible for carrying out such functions as the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate may prescribe with respect to organizations exempt from tax. =Title III: Jurisdiction, Administration, Enforcement; Joint Pension Task Force, Etc.= - Sets forth administration and enforcemtnt procedures with respect to this Act. Establishes the Joint Pension Task Force to study the effects of the various requirements of this Act and the effects of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to this Act. =Title IV: Plan Termination Insurance= - Establishes within the Department of Labor the Pension Guaranty Corporation having the duty: (1) to encourage the continuation of voluntary private pension plans for the benefit of their participants; (2) to provide for the timely payment of pension benefits to participants and beneficiaries under plans to which this title applies; and (3) to maintain permiums at the lowest level consistent with carrying out its obligations under this title. Establishes in the Treasury of the United States four pension benefit guaranty funds for use by the Corporation under this Act; including to purchase assets from a plan being terminated. Sets forth procedures for setting of premium rates and for payment of premiums. Sets forth coverage provisions for plan termination insurance.

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Bill titles: An Act to provide for pension reform.; A bill to revise the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 120-130, p. S15772;

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Vote Ideological Breakdown

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