93rd Congress > Senate > Vote 1056

Date: 1974-11-19

Result: 64-17

Vote Subject Matter: Social Welfare / Budget Special Interest

Bill number: S386


Bill summary: (LATEST SUMMARY) National Mass Transportation Assistance Act - =Title I: Increased Mass Transportation Assistance= - Increases, under the Urban Mass Transportation Act, the total amount of obligations which the Secretary of Transportation may incur to finance specified grants and loans to $10,925,000,000. Directs the Secretary to cooperate with the States in formulating long-range plans and programs for the development of multimode urban transportation systems. Sets forth formulas for the (...show more) apportionment and disbursement of mass transit grants. Empowers the Secretary to incur obligations on behalf of the United States not to exceed $3,975,000,000 to finance such grants. Authorizes to be appropriated for fiscal years 1975 through 1980 sums to liquidate such obligations. Includes as projects eligible for grants under this title: (1) the acquisition, construction, and improvement of facilities and equipment for use, by operation or lease or otherwise, in mass transportation service; and (2) the payment of operating expenses to improve or to continue such service by operation, lease, contract, or otherwise. Limits the percentage of costs of such projects which may be compensated with federal funds. Specifies the procedure for submission and approval of grant applications. Enumerates economic and environmental criteria to be considered in reviewing proposed projects. Stipulates that no project be approved unless the applicant agrees to provide elderly and handicapped persons half-fare transportation during nonpeak hours. Authorizes the Secretary to assist State and local public bodies in financing the establishment and organization of public or quasipublic transit corridor development corporations. Requires the Secretary to study the safety conditions of any facility or equipment financed by this Act and to require correction of any unsafe conditions which he may discover. Withholds assistance, subject to specified exceptions, to any applicant until it has agreed not to enjage in schoolbus operations in compition with private schoolbus operators in competition with private schoolbus operators. Allows State and local agencies, notwithstanding any previous contract or agreement, to allocate up to one-half of any federal transportation assistance, other than urban mass transit grants under this title, to the improvement or continuation of urban mass transportation service, upon a finding that such State and local agencies have made effective arrangements to make available State and local funds for projects from which Federal assistance is to be delivered. Requires the Secretary to develop a reporting system to accumulate public mass transportation financial and operating information by uniform categories and to prescribe a uniform system of accounts and records. Subjects receipients of urban mass transit grants to such reporting and accounting systems. =Title II: Fare-Free Mass Transportation= - Provides that the Secretary of Transportation shall enter into such contracts or other arrangements as may be necessary for research and the development, establishment, and operation of demonstration projects to determine the feasibility of fare-free urban mass transportation systems. Requires the Secretary to study fare-free systems assisted pursuant to this title, and other financially assisted urban mass transportation systems providing reduced fares. =Title III: Railroad Grade Crossings= - Directs the Secretary of Transportation to implement a demonstration project in Hammond, Indiana, to relocate railroad lines for the purpose of eliminating highway railroad grade crossings. Authorizes to be appropriated for such project a sum not to exceed $14,000,000.

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Bill titles: An Act to amend the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 to provide increased assistance for mass transportation systems.; A bill to amend the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 to authorize certain grants to assure adequate commuter service in urban areas.

Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 120-160, p. S19652;

Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov

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Member Vote Map

Vote Ideological Breakdown

This chart describes how members voted on the rollcall. Members are placed according to their NOMINATE ideological scores. A cutting line divides the vote into those expected to vote "Yea" and those expected to vote "Nay". The shaded heatmap reflects the expected probability of voting "Yea". You can select points or regions to subset the members listed above and below.


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