Sponsor: ADDABBO, Joseph Patrick (D-NY)
Bill summary: (Measure passed House, amended, roll call #425 (346-68))
Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1983 -
Title I: Military Personnel
- Appropriates funds for FY 1983 for military and reserve personnel in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force and for National Guard personnel in the Army and Air Force.
Title II: Retired Military Personnel
- Appropriates funds for FY 1983 for retired military personnel on the retired lists of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, including the
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Title III: Operation and Maintenance
- Appropriates funds for FY 1983 for the operation and maintenance of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Defense agencies, including their respective stock funds, reserve components, and the Army and Air National Guards. Appropriates funds for the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, claims against the Department of Defense, and the Court of Military Appeals.
Title IV: Procurement
- Appropriates funds for FY 1983 for the procurement by the Army of aircraft, missiles, weapons, tracked combat vehicles, ammunition, and other equipment and materials.
Appropriates funds for procurement by the Navy of aircraft and weapons, for conversion and ship building of vessels, and for other equipment and materials. Prohibits the use of funds for the construction or conversion of naval vessels in foreign shipyards.
Appropriates funds for Marine Corps procurement.
Appropriates funds for procurement by the Air Force of aircraft, missiles, and other equipment and materials. Eliminates production funds for the MX missile.
Appropriates funds for procurement by defense agencies.
Title V: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
- Appropriates funds for FY 1983 for research, development, tests, and evaluation by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense agencies. Reduces the funds available for research and development for the MX missile. Prohibits the expenditure of specified funds until April 30, 1983. Appropriates funds for the expenses of the Director of Defense Test and Evaluation.
Title VI: Special Foreign Currency Program
- Appropriates funds for FY 1983 for excess payments in foreign currencies for expenses in carrying out the programs of the Department of Defense.
Title VII: General Provisions
- Limits the expenditure of appropriations for consulting services to contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record. Prohibits the use of appropriations for unauthorized publicity or propaganda.
Authorizes the Secretaries of Defense and of the military departments to procure the services of experts and consultants if advantageous to the national defense. Exempts the Defense Department from the prohibition against employing non- citizens.
Makes appropriations available for specified expenses of the Department, including motor vehicle insurance, maintenance of prisoners-of-war, school transportation of military dependents, maintenance of facilities, ships, and equipment, exchange fees, and dependents' medical treatment.
Directs the Secretary of Defense and each agency of the Department to assist American small and minority-owned businesses in their participation in defense contracts. Prohibits the use of funds for new metal scrap facilities unless such facilities are determined to be in the national interest.
Permits the President to exempt appropriations available for military functions from the requirement that appropriations be distributed so as to prevent deficiencies or need for supplemental funding.
Authorizes the Secretary to provide for the cost of any increases in military personnel required by the President. Requires the Secretary to report to Congress monthly on the exercise of this authority.
Prohibits the use of appropriations for specified practices, including: (1) certain expenses of commissaries except under specified conditions; (2) proficiency flying except under certain conditions; (3) excess household goods shippage and storage; (4) the obligation of more than 20 percent of appropriations during the last two months of the fiscal year; (5) the procurement of specified materials and goods not made in the United States; (6) the construction or operation of any bakery, laundry, or dry cleaning facilitity unless their services are commercially unavailable; (7) paying the advertising costs of any defense contractor; (8) research on uninformed or nonvoluntary human beings; (9) requests to the Appropriation Committees for the reprogramming of funds; (10) certain medical benefits for military dependents; (11) the performance of abortions when the mother's life is not endangered; (12) providing unreimbursed, inpatient medical care to foreign military and diplomatic personnel or their dependents; (13) payment of excessive travel allowances for enlisted personnel; (14) payment of excessive retirement or retainer pay; (15) transfer of technical data packages or defense items from any Government-owned and -operated defense plant to any foreign government; (16) the purchase of coal or coke from foreign nations for U.S. defense facilities in Europe.
Prohibits the use of funds for providing any kind of military assistance to any group or individual not part of a country's armed forces for the purpose of overthrowing the Government of Nicaragua or provoking a military exchange between Nicaragua and Honduras.
Title VIII: Related Agencies
- Appropriates funds for the Intelligence Community Staff and for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund.
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Bill titles: A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1983, and for other purposes.
Original source documents: Digest of the Congressional Record vol. 141, p. 9084;
Links for more info on the vote: congress.gov